Ok, I did the Mr. Jones Mission, all went well.
Then I wanted to head on to Black Dragon HQ (my faction), to work for them.
On the I picked up a very easy Construction-Mission. It said TL10 Construction. Nothing else. No description what to do, nothing.
Since I didnt know what the hell I should do I dropped it.
Arriving at the HQ I talked to some guy who inscribted me to BD. He also had a job for me to deliver a package to the Skill-Advisor for Spies. Not only did I have no idea where to find this guy, the mission also didnt show up in the mission window.
Then I went back to the terminal and picked up another very easy mission. This time they gave me a package to bring to some guy in Fallen Angels Core. Really? Sending a fresh player out in the wastelands? - Dropped.
On my third try with the terminal I the guy in my HQ sent me to talk to someone in Tsunami HQs. When I entered I got instakilled by the guards. Totally frustrated I left the game and came here.
Now are there missions other than kill x of whatever that are actually working?
Back in the days of NC1 you could do construction jobs for your faction, is that gone?