
Fallen Angels fun.

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Fallen Angels fun.

Postby Calabim » Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:04 am

Well we decided to have some fun hunting PK clans today.
Being a tough gang of 4 rifle spies and 2 PPU monks.
We started out at MB and bagged a few of them,
feeling pretty big we decided to take a look at CRP aswell.

Normaly it would have been a great place,
but we just gred out when porklord and 2ply attacked us.
Luckily Porklord doesnt have any skill apperently,
cause he only managed to kill 2 of us.
After a quick recovery we decided to hunt them down since they fled.
That took us to the big hill outside Cycrow.
There was a few runners on the hill shooting at some fire mobs,
and then 3 eXo at the foot.
Grealt encouraged by our earlier success and our survival against their attack.
We charged them....

Now when we chased them around the hill i did take notice of an oddly large number of runners there.
But being to busy healing i didnt take further notice.
Yet it seemed more and more odd that all i ran across was either neutral or hostile.
And all high ranking....

So when i stopped for a second the entire hill was full of runners,
we had accidently stumbled into the army of anti FF.
SXR, NDA, BRTF, Dark and eXo.
I still dont get how we lasted so long against that,
but damn it was fun.
So we got repoked and decided to grab Mirrorshades and TgR`s ops promised by FF.

After that we were 1 hacker short of attacking another op so we went to TT HQ.
Even though we were there for over an hour,
and constantly spamming Trade-NC, not one TT dared show up to fight us.
Only one that did was REMUS an unclanned TG GenTank.

We did some leveling on the guards (who are extremely evil),
and then packed our backs and started to irritate them a little in P1

Well I know I had fun, hope the rest had aswell.
If you were so lucky as to get some screen shots please post em here for memories sake ;)
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:44 am

Well was there when we took the OPs.. next time we gotta get a fight of some sort.. even if it is just to "train' vs an allie or something.. we had quite a few ppl there. and with chicky using all level 3 buffs ( got them in gogo tho they cost loads of cash ) and all holy spells i can do something with her now :)

also with 1 psi+ 5 drug i can use meh holy para ^^

not bad for a char thats 2 days old eh ?
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Postby Jest » Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:09 pm

The battle was fun but I was highly pissed at it (as was evident by any one logged on at the time). We killed at least 4 eXo members and people just came charging over the hills at us. I saw several SXR members who were doing their best to help eXo without shooting at us. And then NDA and BRTF blatantly starting firing at me.

Then later that night an NDA member attacked some lowbies in my clan in Pepper Park. Basically all bets are off with NDA. I'm not going to stay nuetral when this crap happens. I will continue to be nuetral with SXR as the rest of FA's wishes and I'm not quite to the point of wanting to fight BRTF since this was the only incident with them but if I see an NDA member, either him or me is gonna die.
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Postby Zane » Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:19 pm

Hmm.. can't say I'm happy about fighting with Neutral factions.

Give me names of NDA/BRTF who opened fire. I want this resolved and will do so ASAP.
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Postby Antisense » Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:53 pm

That was dead fun, guys, yar. Our sexy 4-man rifle spy gank squad, heh.
I didn't get any screenies, though I wish I had thought to do so, maybe a few shots of everybody lined up at the Tangent HQ front desk, and then one of us rezzkilling that one monk. We're so evil.
I'd have to say the bit when we just repped into CRP was one of the best. I had a huge grin on my face while chasing Porklord out of the CRP genrep building as Iso.. yeah, keep running from the 75-ish base DEX rifle spy.
The brief moment for the OP war we seemed to have stumbled into was good too. Though I was trying really hard not to kill any NDA, SXR, or BRTF, I saw Binary Raptor trying to light me up with his Easer--I saw red tags and downed him without really thinking about it. I did also notice I lasted a surprisingly long time--Are you sure you weren't using h4x on your shelters? (Oh, and it was a good time ganking 2ply with Download... we almost had him before he got a heal off and ran over the hill.)
TT HQ was damn fun too, though I wish now that I hadn't switched to this fire, so I could do some flashy rifle spy ownage. My favorite part of that was finally downing Remus--whacking him with an energy beam right as he was about to zone out. Though I kinda wish I hadn't barreled him after we rezzed him, SL hit.

As an aside, I was pretty pissed with BRTF, NDA, and SXR attacking us, but we *did* kind of break into their OP war, and all's fair in love and war, after all..
That's why I had no qualms about firing back.

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Postby Jest » Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:05 pm

I wouldn't have minded them firing at us if it wasn't for the fact that we are for some reason trying to stay nuetral to every one and their mother. And I personally didnt catch individual names, just noticed clan tags. Although wolfwood_reborn was the NDA muppet attacking my members in Pepper Park.

I'm just curious though. Why is it that we don't fight nuetral CA who put Tech Haven under marshal law but yet we are more than willing to kill TG people who are allied with us? If we are just allying with people who we like and fighting people who we don't like, then lets just be honest with ourselves and go ahead and say it now. I have a feeling factions are becoming less and less important to every body.
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Postby Disturbed » Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:11 pm

Lol, ya was funny to see FA show up and start attacking TT peeps while there was like 30+ other ppl standing there watching. I as an SxR member made it a point and so did others to not get involved in that fight as it was obvious you were there just trying to kill TT and not there to help FF (cause like we care if you kill a few exo members). Which is why you guys lasted so long.

But tbh I'm not surprised that some NDA and BRTF were shooting at you. We were all there for a fight and you guys showed up fightin...I was actually surprised that more weren't shootin at you. I only saw a couple of ppl get involved. And DarK was there (supposedly helping us) and I was extremely surprised they didn't run to the GR and start shooting as well, they must've been afk.
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Postby Zane » Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:57 pm

Ok.. here's the official stance of FA as we are now.

We do not open fire upon Neutral or Allied Faction.
We do not aid an Ally against a Neutral or Allied Faction in OP wars.

Granted, this situation probably ended with NDA firing on FA thinking those there were going to help FF.

It's pretty simple really.. if you want to fight against City Admin, you should probably be working for the Twilight Guardian.

The Fallen Angels do not wish to be involved in anyone else's problems.

I will give my ultimate support to those who wish to keep it this way, troublemakers will not be tolerated.

ooc: if you read up on FA you'll know that we fled Neocron and the tyranny of the PSI Monk's and our aim is to improve our way of life beneath the surface in Tech Haven. That's what I'm trying to do, but it doesn't help if we shoot up anyone for the sake of it.
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Postby Jest » Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:20 pm

Zane my point being that when TG killed some CA in Tech Haven, FA was more than willing to shoot and kill the TG in defense of the CA.

And if I want to fight CA I should be TG? It's funny, thats the sort of flak I got from people earlier this year when I decided to disband my clan and leave for TG. Though people back then were even getting pissed that we were fighting with Tangent. I am as much a Fallen Angel as the next man. I have no desire whatsoever to be TG any more. I don't care about democracy, I care about Tech Haven. And CA is preventing us from being our own governing body with no outside interference. I'm sorry that you don't see that.

I have tried to be friendly with CA for the sake of everyone elses opinions, but they don't seem to be making the same effort. I'm not shooting up people for the sake of shooting them up. With the exception of last night killing Bloodhawk and last week at Tyron, I have never once initiated fire upon a CA, and yet I am constantly get fired upon by CA and it seems like my fellow FA don't give a damn about that. If any one hasn't noticed, CA and TT are allied. When you fight Tangent, you think CA is going to help us or them? Or maybe we shouldn't fight Tangent? Maybe we shouldn't fight Crahn either. We can just cower in our apartments and hope that no one ever attacks us. I am not going to cower. I will bring the battle to them, and I will bring the battle to NDA, so I guess that makes me a troublemaker.
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Postby HusK » Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:24 pm

first of all on the subject: Pwnage =) :D 8)

And now I want to start something out of topic the origional topic.

I'm glad with this official stand of FA. However I do see problems upcoming in the future.

Maybe we can have a more private discusion on this matter that will go on till we have solved our differences and then make public which factions can expect a non hostility pact. To make sure no other clans will think we are helping clan X to kill them or something simular.

On the other hand, FA is about freedom, so any clan should be free to do what they want, the problem being all clans work together and every outside faction sorta sees all FA as ONE clan, which means I.E. if glasbitchesclan does something against neutral clan X, then BlueGits will feel the concequences to, even tho they didn't have anything to do with it.
And when then BlueGits will tell that clan they had nothing to do with it, the message usualy doesn't get trough completely, so that some members of clan X keep attacking BlueGits for what glasbitchesclan did. ( this being an example, doh! :p )

Fallen Angels are a difficuld faction indeed, we have to get along or we are in deep shit. ( like we know from the past with dark )

[edit] Jest those TG killed FA runners ! ! ok FA rezzed those CA ( Trillian, etc ) but thats their goddamn right ffs, TG has no control over what we do and how we do it in TH. This is our home, we deceide who is welcome and who is not. Every faction has a few black sheep, so does TG, FF has tollerated CA being here at our request, TR ( the big twisted ganking Pkers of old ) did not. And when they attack FA for that, they are wrong, not us.

As for the story of CA and their "raid": they said we had evil people here, and we did, we had Dark, and as soon as CA knew they where gone they left also. I'm not yet taking a stand in opposing/allieing CA, in other words I'm still neutral to the faction and as SxR has helped us in the past ( and never ever attacked or killed me ) I have a strong urge to rezz them as a clan when possible, like the runners who did rez them.

OOC: DoY will change alot, I love roleplay and I combine my own roleplay with the story KK tells us, at this moment it gives me/us enough options to allie them or oppose them, right now I've chosen to be friendly towards SxR and be neutral towards CA.
CA and SxR have the power to change that, and I'll see how they treat my "friendship" [/edit]
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Postby Calabim » Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:30 pm

As to the fighting Neutral factions chat,
I seem to recollect that BRTF is constantly attacking TgR.
And that several of our members consider them our enemies now.

Im not intersted in fighting SXR, as they seem to have cooled down a little.
And it was SXR themselves that rezzed Trillian.
But i rezzed SXR apu monk, solely because TR was happily killing Next runners.
Thats right people they kill our other allies, and while not so strong and imposing as TG.
Its nothing i want to see inside Tech Haven.

And I dont mind being threatened to be PKed by TR.
Because since TR have been made theyve threatened FF and Spirit members aswell.

Besides just because theyre in a faction allied to us,
doesnt mean i must accept what they do.
Theyve made it pretty clear early on what their style of play is.
And it havent changed at all since the old TR.

NDA i dont have anything for or against.
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Postby Zane » Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:24 pm

Husk and Calabim. Those are my sentiments exactly.

ooc: I roleplay my own character, but adhere to the story KK has provided.
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Postby Antisense » Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:54 pm

I had a huge thing all ready to write out, but I think I'll write a little less, to sound less seditious.

I was present yesterday when TR came in and killed Trillian, yes. I didn't lift a finger to help or stop them, not only because I knew that it didn't involve me, but also that I would be making a statement on behalf of the Mirrorshades by doing so--which isn't my place.
I didn't fight back, either, when Mike very deliberately hit me with a HL a minute or two later. I just stealthed and ran, healed up. It's not my place to fight TG. I also didn't fight back when he barreled a group of FA and killed me in the process. (That was kind of my fault, I was stupid and ran from the barrel the wrong way.) I didn't say anything when Wolfwood hacked my belt, either. He didn't get anything worthwhile, I think at best it was a cheap helmet, but it's the thought of it. I didn't keep Serve's three-slot Moonstriker when it fell on the Phoenix Store floor, either. I took it and handed it back to Mike. It's not mine. Though I'm sure Marz or Zone could have really used it, that's the difference between TR and I. I do not prey on my allies. It would have been really easy to do so--there were a lot of people there, and I had my stealth out--could have just grabbed it and ran. But I didn't.

Yes, I was one of the several people calling for blood when they did it, but I didn't act on it. And yes, I value SXR as a better ally than TR--what has TR done for us lately? They disrupted a duel, killed us, hacked our belts, and told us we deserved it because we were little more than a pseudo-city faction, hiding in FA so that TG wouldn't kill us. And what has SXR done for us? They kill DarK, and Trillian even sacrificed her SL in order to protect us from Tangent earlier that morning.

I don't like foreign influence in TH, period. Be it SXR or TR, ally, neutral, or enemy, I don't like anyone from an outside faction coming into our city, making demands of us, and killing and stealing from us.
You show me a SXR member that acts the way TR does, and I'll show you a dead man.
This is supposed to be a safe haven from outside influence, and I'll tell you the truth: TR coming in, killing everything that moves, and telling us what to do is no different from CA doing so, and that is not safety. That is not peace, and that is not freedom.

(and yes, I did realize I just completely failed at both trying to sound objective and at trying to type as little as possible.)
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