
(Unfinished) M-STORY: The Hell That Is My Life

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(Unfinished) M-STORY: The Hell That Is My Life

Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 7:30 am

[ooc:] heh this is a story ive been wanting to do for along time now, tho i couldnt do it without having my apu SiL. but now she is back YAYYYYYYYY. i know im kinda crap at this sorta thing but i hope u like it anyways will update as soon as the next part is done.
[end of ooc:]

The Hell That Is My Life....part one

At an early age Sara "sanityislost" Jones knew something was wrong with the world. Her earliest memory was a young women with strawberry blond hair,
she never knew her parents but this women was the one thought that would comfort her. Sara liked to think that the Strawberry blonde women was her mother
that at least at one point in her life she was loved and not just drone sent to fix other peoples problems.

She knew her mother was dead,that's what the monks at the crahn abby told her. They had found her screaming over the body of her dead mother.
As the monks tried to calm the child, she grew mad,angry and insane. the eldest monk watched as 3 fully trained Crahn Guards where suddenly thrown across the ally. "clam down m child we are
only here help you" he watched sara, her hair was standing on end and flashes of power could be seen cracking around her. "what's your name little one?"
he asked, but she wouldn't answer she couldn't even take her eyes off the body in front of her.


"Well done we could never of got her back to the abby with her in that mood" the old man chuckled.
"Yea well we would never of had this problem if we did what i had mentioned"
"Killing her mother in her sleep would not of given us the proof of her power, we needed to see her full of rage.
now i think with out a doubt she is the one we have been looking for. Now get her back to the abby and make sure your not seen"
"As you wish Father"

The next few months where the hardest for sara, dealing with the death of her mother and growing up in a strange place. but the monks where always nice and treated
her with respect. During the day the sect would train her in the abilities of the Aggressive Monk and at night she would sleep to the sound of sect chanting to there god

As the years went past Sara grew in both body and mind, she had mastered all of the training to become part of the Aggressive legion of the sect all
she had to do now was become of age. "only a week left, gawd i cant wait for my first mission its gona be sweet" she thought to herself as she walked down the
halls of the abby. Then as if out of nowhere she noticed a door she hadn't seen before. It was a large stone door, so unlike anything she had seen before in the abby
but it was also so familiar. She knew what was behind the door "The truth" she muttered to herself as she touch the strange text on the door. The letters began to glow
red hot with her touch but right now she didn't care about the pain. she simply waited as if she knew what was going to happen....

CLICK CLICK CLICK....the sound echo'd thru the halls of the abby, suddenly the door rumbled open.
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Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 8:10 am

The Hell That Is My Life....part two

AS the door opened flames jumped out at her, it was a large hall filled with fire.
"Whoa sweet wish my fire beam could get results like that" she thought to herself
"It can my child, you would know that by now if that filth hadn't been holding you back" this voices rang around the insides of her skull
"What the fuck" sara took a step back.
"dont be scared now sara, you came to me to know the truth......the truth about what really happened that night your mother died"
Sara's jaw dropped "Who the fuck are you? and how the hell do you know that?"
"I am the god of blinding light and i have been watching you for some time. but right now my child isn't the time for talking, the sect know you have opened this door."
"Sweet maybe they can give me some bloody answers then since your not fucking gona"
"No they are coming to kill you, its safer for them to have you dead than know the truth"
"That's bullshit, they have looked after me since my mother was murdered by a street thug"
"yes that's true they have looked after you, but they only started doing so when THEY killed your mother. right now we dont have time to talk about this"
Sara stood there dazed not blinking her mind was flood with thoughts, she could feel the rage building up inside her. She knew this voice wasn't lying to her,
she wasn't sure how she knew this but she felt it in her soul.

"SARA, you foolish child" the old monk shouted at her "do you know what you've done?" he watched as she turned to face him, bright red
sparks of power could be seen flashing in her eyes.
"WHAT I'VE DONE?" her voice boomed thru the halls "ALL I'VE DONE IS FIND OUT THE TRUTH"
"Sara clam down your losing it, you need to control your emotions" he answered back
"STFU old man, you killed my mother" her hair was flowing freely in the air, being moved by the power she had.
"That's just a pack of lies, sara you need to clam down before your sanity is lost"
"heh That's what you wanted to keep me from old man, my true power. now you will feel the revenge FROM ONE WHO'S SANITYISLOST"
She screamed as the red light of revenge flew from her hand at the old monk, it hit him right in the face burning his old frame into ash.

"Well done, you have taken the first step in fixing everything that has gone wrong with this world" the voice spoke to her.
"Thank you my lord"
"We must leave here at once walk up to the alter in the room of fire"
she did it without hesitation, moving straight to the alter as the flames licked at her flesh.
"you have proven yourself worthy, now we leave my Angel of Death sanityislost"

A bright warm white light wrapped around her body, she could feel the power of her god in this light. then as suddenly as the light came it was gone, she was
standing in a small dusty village.
"Where are we my lord?"
"We are in El farid, few people come here now it is where you will train to gain your full power"
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Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 9:03 am

The Hell That Is My Life....part 3

days turned in to weeks, weeks turned into months
Every day sara would start her morning meditating at the waters edge of the oasis near El Farid. no thing would bother her there people and
animals would simply walk past the girl. Once 3 hours had passed she would walk to her small house near the village and have breakfast.
There wasn't much to eat in a place like El farid. But she had learned from the locals that parts of the scorpions which killed daily in the tombs
under El farid could be eaten. "Great more scorp soup, id do anything for a bite of a rat burger" she said out loud. Just then she noticed a herd of droms going to the
oasis for a drink. "Well anything apart from that" she sniggered. After breakfast she, pulled up her back pack and checked everything is in order "shit im low on boosters
, gona have to stop at that sleazy hawker again." she thought as she pulled the pack onto her shoulders and made her way to the village "if he tries to touch me
one more time i swear im gona rip him apart".

After stocking up on boosters she arrived at the entrance to the Tomb's of El Farid. "That lil fucker, i showed him he isn't gona touch my ass again that's for sure"
she rubbed the back of her slightly red fist and started to descend into the tombs. "Bloody hell, those buggers have been busy." she looked at the swarm of scorpions in the first room
"DONT YOU EVER STOP SHAGGING?" she shouted as she pulled out her flame barrel. The room filled with tiny screams as the barrel burned the swarm. suddenly she sensed movement behind her,
she quickly jumped on top of the roof of the little building in the tomb. A large scorpion was looking right at her. she thought it looked rather pissed off, if that was even possible for a scorp.
"oh hell looks like the mother chick is pissy" the scorps tail twitched. sara knew what this meant. she had, had to learn it the hard way. She dodged to the right avoiding the large ball of fire heading right at her.
"so you like fire huh? try this for size bitch" Sara's eye's gave off a flicker of red as she filled the floor of the room full of red hot flaming barrels, the flames rolled round the scorp burning it till it
couldn't take anymore. and then it was dead

"Come to the end room sanityislost" the voice called to her
"Very Well my lord" that was all she needed to risk her life, she would go through hell to see her god as she had done time and time again.
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Postby booglebox » Sun May 23, 2004 9:29 am

As sweet as sweet stories get.
I can imagine ziod as the guy who pinches her ass!
"There is no signature"

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Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 10:03 am

booglebox wrote:As sweet as sweet stories get.
I can imagine ziod as the guy who pinches her ass!

lol.....glad u like it, been going kinda crazy got bored so just been writing and writing next part is rdy so here have it :P

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Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 10:05 am

The Hell That Is My Life....part 4

It was a large empty room, dust was hanging in the air while small movements could be seen in the shadows
The door opened with the sound of stone rubbing on stone. A small figure entered and looked round the room.
Her black her was flowing down her shoulders, small cuts and burns where all over her face. she looked like death.
"San are you ready for your last trial?"
"Yes my lord" she replied as she lowed her head to show respect to the voice that filled this tomb
"This place was made to hold a weapon, with it you will be able to gain access to your full power. all you must do is get past the creature who guards it"

Suddenly a large shrieking sound was coming from the other side of the tomb. Sara had been here many times as far as she knew this room was always empty
no such creature lived in these tombs. A huge scorp came out from the shadows, the light from the torches on the beasts black shell made it glow like gold.
"So your the queen here...." a tidal wave of fire rushed towards Sara, she dived behind a wall just in time. "thank fuck someone put that there".
With a flick of her wrist she activated her energy beam module. the snarls of the the queen where getting louder. Sara quickly jumped on top of a post and rebounded on
to the top of the wall. The queen look right at her in a royal sort of way, but sara wasn't here to be intimidated. She had to get the weapon to please her lord
and she had to get it now.

The sound of power filled the room, as a white light started to form in the palm of Sara's hand. a small cloud a smoke appeared above the queen.
BANG..BANG..BANG lightning was streaming down on the scorp BANG..BANG..BANG... the snarls got louder but the queen seemed un affected by the attacked.
Another wave of fire rushed towards Sara, she was forced to dive behind the wall once again."Fucking hell" sara swore under her breath as a plan started
to form in her head. Quickly she bolted towards the door and with another flick of her wrist she filled the other side of the room full of fire barrels.
The queen was forced to follow her or it would burn slowly. after she repeated this a few times Sara had the queen out of her throne room and into a room with 4
large and deep pits. The queen was starting to get angry from being forced from her throne and sent another wave of fire at a pillar which sara was currently hiding
behind. As the wave hit the pillar the scorp started trying to move its large bulky frame towards sara. however sara knew what was going to happen,"there's no way something
with an ass that fat is gona get down here" she thought. just then as sara had predicted the Queen started to lose its grip and fell down into the nearest pit.
"Your Weapon Will Be Mine Whore" and with that the red light returned to sara's eyes and the pit filled with red hot flames.

Once the flames died down, sara jumped down into the pit to see what was left."Hrm not much left, take it your too dead to tell me where this weapon is huh?" she kicked the body
of the queen and it started to crumble into a pile of ash. Sara then noticed something in the pile of ash,reached down to pick it up.
"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" her eyes burned like fire as she tasted the power that was in her hand, and suddenly the world went black

"Well done my child you have proven yourself once again, you have the lost weapon The Fire Apocalypse" the voice whispered to her
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Sun May 23, 2004 10:09 am

san a little advise. don't post the parts so fast.. keep some tention in it.. like. i can't even read one part without the other already posted :? tho great story tho :D
Last edited by [TgR]KILLER on Sun May 23, 2004 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 10:12 am

ROFL ok ok.....*stops posting* :P

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Postby booglebox » Sun May 23, 2004 10:34 am

nooooooooooooooo don't stop!!!
"There is no signature"

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Postby HusK » Sun May 23, 2004 12:14 pm

actualy, I didn't get bored for one sec reading all four parts at once =)

Its that good!
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Postby sanityislost » Sun May 23, 2004 1:06 pm

Heh glad you all like it :x
Will do another part/s tonight.

SiL ..:..
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Postby sanityislost » Tue May 25, 2004 1:46 pm

The hell that is my life......part 5

"he will come for you soon" the voice whispered to sara


"God dammit, where the hell did Killer get to?"
"I dont have a clue mate, you know him always running ahead looking for the next big fight" replied Husk
"Yea dude and he thinks im crazy"
"umm lioon"
"you are crazy" husk laughed as he wiped a small pile of sand off his otherwise spotless power armor "how the hell did u get that name anyway?"
"havent a clue, its just what people called me so i kept it"
"Great so just another thing to add to the why lioon is fucked up list" Husk laughed some more
Lioon ignored him and just kept walking in the direction his leader killer had run off in "Husk hurry the feck up man already got enough sand in my crotch"
"ok ok, but give me another mental image like that and your dead"

after awhile they found themselves at a small dusty village. "Guess this is the place then" lioon asked
"Yea you never been up here?"
"what to get sand in my armor...fuck that. I only go where there is money involved. think you would know that by now mate"
"Ok just shut up, we should get this over with quickly." Husk swaped his heavy power armor for a lighter fire vest "its just a bug hunt, fire mobs mostly"
"sweet, should be able to make some cash from the bile then....gawd i hope its blue that shit sells for..."
"Lioon will you shut the fuck up? just get your fire gear on and be quick about it" Husk wiped the sweat from his forehead while thinking "this kid is gona be the
death of me"

Once they where ready they started to move down into the bowels of the tombs.
"Ok what the fuck?"
"right now we should be burning in our own body fat"
"ok dude i take it, its a good thing we arnt then" lioon ask
"i dunno, come on. lets just run to the end. i have a feeling something is going on"
"Righty-o Mr Spanky"
"Call me that again and your not gona make it to then end" Husk glared at lioon, but lioon just ran ahead leaving his friend to get pissy.


"young one....wake up....he is here" the voice said to sara
She started to protest, but her lord would have none of it and a small streak of blue light hit her on the head
"Ok ok ok ok, im awake"sara got up off the ground and looked down at her hand. burned into her flesh was a symbol she had never seen before.
"Cant a girl get any sleep? think u would let me get some i mean i just had the fight of my...
"He is coming"
"who is? if its that sleazy hawker im gona kill him...force him to gr.."
"Your Brother"

"heh sorry husk didnt think that pillar would...well u know fall on you" Lioon chuckled to himself while watching his friend, looking rather like a turtle
on it back. what he didnt notice was the girl at his back with flames in her hand.
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Postby HusK » Tue May 25, 2004 3:48 pm

fre3k1ng aws0m3!!!1111ononeoneone

say... this conversation sounds mindly familiar, didn't we actualy had it some day back in tgr?
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Postby sanityislost » Tue May 25, 2004 4:10 pm

lol yea, i think so. we used to goto el farid alot. and killer ran off one time lol

SiL ..:..
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Tue May 25, 2004 4:25 pm

sanityislost wrote:lol yea, i think so. we used to goto el farid alot. and killer ran off one time lol

SiL ..:..

i dit ? can't remember.. never went to elfa alot.. i'm capped anyway nothing for me to do there exept wreck my armor and guns :p
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