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EVENT/STORY: Files From Phoenix on the cult in here

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EVENT/STORY: Files From Phoenix on the cult in here

Postby sanityislost » Mon May 17, 2004 3:57 am

This data was taken from brammers comp

[Start of file]

Phoenix Ltd
Top Secret
Cult Investigation Records

Phoenix think Crahn are plotting to bring down the Angels, so we assigned
Lisa to get lose to SiL since we could not assign others in Phoenix as they
spoke against the Cult. She was ordered to gain the trust of SiL and gain
as much information as possible about there plans.

CA joined forces with Phoenix and DoY (because eariler in that month a
LE'ed runner was killed), to investigate the Cult and the Skull. Since we
knew the cult-follwers was going to get an artifact for the skull, we can up
with a plan. We hired CiX to hold the followers up at Redrock, while Alan
and EARL stayed on standby on hovertecs to race to the location.
However, Alan when transporting CiX to Redrocked had a punchture and
also the CiX forces ran into FF forces. And also EARL wasn't quick enough
to get to Norhstar.

After an analysis of the plan, it was decided the plan was sound, just it
failed on a few unfortunate circumstances. We also learnt the the Cult's
movements was restricted to open GR's that BT and FA could use.

Then SiL was captured. Even though SiL and the cult was being
investigated, Brammers assigned Morpheous to investigate the capture.
The trail lead to Outzone, and went cold.

Ths left Lisa in charge of the cult effectivly, which caused a lot of concerns
for myself and Alan Parker. We nearly pulled her out, but when the
Science Council asked us to keep investigating, we left her be.

So attempt two was made. We knew the skull past on instructions for the
artifact in datacubes, so a plan was made to swap the cubes with one for
instructions to goto Regants. And also Katherine Mayer got the whole of
TGM to assist in obtaining the next artifact. CiX was hired once again and
paid double as the cult was late meeting. Lisa lead the meeting, and
passed the infomation out to the artifact team. This time the team got to
the artifact just before the cult did. The mission was considered a success.

Sil turned up safe and well, Lisa didn't make it to the meeting due to being
injured. But she obtained a partial copy of the logs and passed this on
Alan. After that the cult just seem to fade.

[edit of file]

SiL ..:..
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Postby Brammers » Mon May 17, 2004 1:21 pm


So you consider the murders of myself, Lisa Merlins and Alan Parker justified?
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Postby sanityislost » Mon May 17, 2004 3:44 pm

YOU made the first move by hiring others to do your dirty work, that alone should justify my actions...

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Postby HusK » Mon May 17, 2004 6:15 pm

Justice been done? Or is it a crahn mind controlling device thats controlling the minds of the FA who betrayed the skull?

Time will tell... Time will tell.

One thing that comes to mind though... what was this secret meeting with the Cityadmin all about? What where they planning?
Followers of the cult beware, danger seems to lurk around the corner.
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Postby Morpheous » Mon May 17, 2004 7:09 pm

The City Administration were involved in actions against the Cult because the Skull had behaved violently towards City Administration members, who had caused the Skull no harm and had not offended it. So it acted in self-defence, and organised a movement with Mr. Parker, who has now returned to the CityAdmin to help out in his department.

Speaking as Faction Counsellor, I have passed these developments on to Mr. Wonderboy and would like to express my concerns that this may escalate into a Civil war. I would apprectiate any comments on this topic sent to my TH:N messaging account, and I will happily pass them on to Mr. Wonderboy if you wish me to.

As Director at the TH-ACL (Advanced Computing Laboratories) and systems administrator for the TH servers, I would be interested to know who got those files, seeing as Mr. Brammers's terminal is one of two secure terminals that are connected directly to the mainframe, and require password, voice ident and gel fingerprint scan, and there is no way anyone inside the Cult could have bypassed those systems- I designed them myself, the only other terminal is in the TH Server Datacenter and only I have access to that.

Also, access to the Phoenix Store meeting room and Development center may now only be allowed if at least one Phoenix member (armed) accompanies the guest, and that closed sensor systems have been installed.
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Involvement of CityAdministration

Postby Alan Parker » Mon May 17, 2004 9:28 pm

As you will remember, at the time the cult was formed, I was chief engineer of Phoenix Ltd. The cult was formed following an orgy of bloodshed in Tech Haven. This was seen as unbecoming of so noble a group of people as the Fallen Angels, and it was decided that it could not be allowed to continue, measures were therefore put in place to prevent, or atleast attempt to prevent, further activity. The matter would have remained purely internal to Tech Haven had not a number of runners from the city itself been killed by the skull. Including a Law Enforced cityadmin runner.

With the murder of the Law Enforced runner, the skull invited City Administration to apply fullest attention to their activities, and also their assistance with any operations that may or may not have been undertaken by anti cult movements.

I have since returned home to Neocron and taken up office as Faction Chairman of City Administration. I left behind a good many friends in Tech Haven when I left, I had not thought I left behind any enemies. The attack on Lisa, Brammers and myself on Sunday night has once again invited City Administration to not only offer any assistance that may be required, but also to spearhead any operations against the cult. As most people in the world are aware, when it comes to surveillance, NCPD is second to none, and control of certain elements of NCPD is now at my fingertips. I will not hesitate to use them. Nor will I hesitate to apply military force where required to break up this cult. The cult can stand down freely, or it can be taken apart. messily.

Let me make it clear that City Administration does not tolerate attacks on it's council members, and I do not tolerate attacks on my friends. Anyone who is thinking of joining the cult had better be prepared to shed blood because that's what is coming.

Just Live,

Alan Parker.
Faction Chairperson, City Administration

OOC: I have spoken with all people I can remember as having been concerned. The Skull Cult is not very popular, in an RP sense, being on several clan's enemies list. While the clans involved understand that this IS only plot, there may be one or two attacks (to say the least) from and by both parties. I suggest anyone who really doesn't want to keep getting PKed or anything may be better off finding an alternative clan. Or, we could maybe get a rank within the skull cult set up that indicates a runner not wishing to be engaged in masses of PvP (e.g. the old THSC rank "tradeskiller, don't shoot!"). let me know what you think and I will pass on info to those requiring it.

PS: well done Sanityislost, you've managed to get LOADS of people involved in a great plot!
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Anti Cult operations

Postby Alan Parker » Mon May 17, 2004 9:42 pm

As an aside to my prevous post, I have the following statements to make to the following people.

Sanityislost : the CityMercs we hired were instruted to cause maximum disruption but cause minimal cause minimal casualties. You can contact El Barto for confirmation of this. He was the contact. In fact, they were paid extra to bring PPUs. Despite what you might think, Sanity, we still had a concern for the members of the cult. We did not wish to see you dead, only the disolution of the cult. And CityAdmin wasn't, obviously, hired. They acted of their own free will.

Husk : The meeting with between myself and Brammers was far from secret. If it was, it would certainly not have been held in a location as unsecure as the Tech Haven Reactor core offices. The meeting was simply to update me on progress within Phoenix Ltd. A company that I miss working for.

[TgR]Killer : The killing will stop when the cult is gone
ooc: this plot, while violent, is a damn site more interesting that anything else happening on Pluto at the moment :D
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Postby HusK » Mon May 17, 2004 11:22 pm

I must come to the defence of the skull.

The LE'ed runner who died just walked into the line of fire, a sad thing, but you can hardly blame the skull for that.

The bloodshet of suicides is the choice of people themselves, nothing you can say about that.

Any other bloodshet was well desirved according to actions taken by the ones now dead.

You must understand that the skull forced nobody to kill or be killed, it just explained what it needed and we reacted on it according to our own insight, including asking it to spawn monsters for our defense.

As a former high ranked member of Phoenix Ltd. and Former Clan Leader of TgR I know how you people think, change is always hard, I can understand that, but what you must understand is that not everything in the world has been explained, and I'm sure that if we look long enough even the skull can be explained scientificly, right now all that matters is that the skull is an extra guideline at the face of our destruction, science is the means, and some people even go as far as to make science a religion, but for those who need something more, there is the skull.

Both can live amongst the other, and who knows, perhaps he might save all of us some day, but offcourse we will work on our own to save ourselves, the skull is our ultimate backup defense, or so I believe.

I suggest everyone else, everyone who is not a believer, just ignores his existance, or finds HARD proof that someone is actualy manipulating us.
But I doubt even Crahn, what there recent drain of power, will be able to produce a thing like the skull with all the proof of supreme power he has.

I'm a man for talks, not fights, if you want to discuss more of this, go right ahead, but be warned that other cult members might not be so willingly, as many non-believers have shown open hostility's towards them, including allieing some of our worst enemy's, determend to control all of TH under City Law, just because they fear what they do not understand.

I have spoken.

- HusK -
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Postby sanityislost » Mon May 17, 2004 11:25 pm

ooc: im glad you love it alan, me and my friends talked and decided something had to be done about what people are calling a "dead" server. all i want to do is do alot of crazy shit that will make people think "why am i not involved?" and want to come back to the game.

[edit] ooc: husk ur so much better at that than i am lol *pouts in a manly way*
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Postby Alan Parker » Tue May 18, 2004 12:28 am


You say the runner stepped into the line of fire. Well, from what I have seen so far, the skull is pretty imperviuos to any weapons we currently posess. What need did the skull have to be firing anything if not to demonastrate it's own power over us "mere mortals". If deity it is, it cannot be a worthy one if it needs to fear you into it worship. The skull fired because it perceived certain people to have spoken against it. This implies that maybe the skull CAN'T live side by side with other people, unless those people swear fealty to it. The skull must accept non believers, just as non belivers must accept the cult if what you propose is to work.
Aside from these facts, any cult that demands self sacrifice and blood in it's name is intolerable and should offend the sensibilites of all civilised beings. Regardless of one's opinion on the religion and it's doctrine, the fact of the matter remains that the cult has struck City Administration, and the deed will not go unpunished. If City Administration were to lower it's weapons and say "oh, well, I suppose we'll let you off this once", how many criminals would take the opportunity to set about murdering innocents? How long before the Twilight Guardian stepped up efforts against us thinking us weak?
No, the cult has struck a blow for which it must answer. The cult will be forced to learn, the hard way, that attacks on City Admin are in-excusable. Prior to the attempts on mine, Lisa's and Brammers' lives, our stance was not so harsh. That has since changed, and action will be taken.

Just Live.

Alan Parker,
Faction Chairman, City Admin
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Postby sanityislost » Tue May 18, 2004 1:07 am

Alan if you could be so nice as to remember what happened to our high priest that day when the skull was forced to attack when ur LE'd runner ran into the line of fire......

Oh yea i got killed over n over again by people raiding tech haven. and since you and your group have been saying you only had the safety of all FA runner at heart. Why did the rest of FA do nothing? the only other person who did anything was a good friend on my and a cult member i might add. you know her Alan didnt you try to talk her out of cutting off all ties with the cult...hrm now whats her name...oh yea Trillian. So our god was forced to attack for the safety of the people to worship him THATS why he had to attack because i couldnt.

SiL ..:..
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Postby HusK » Tue May 18, 2004 9:34 am

indeed SiL, and also alan, you said something about the skulls demonstrations... I can't believe you said it withoud seeing the truth in it.
Offfcourse there where demonstrations, he had to proof to us that he wasn't some crahn moron playing with us, infact we asked for that proof.

As far as I'm concirned both violence from the skull and the ones opposing the skull and its cult are a direct result of misunderstandings, which could eventualy lead to the destruction of FA, INSTEAD of it's survival!

Another thing, you just betrayed one of the core rules of being FA: Freedom
freedom to kill self is a privilege we FA have, and the suicides where experiments to provide enough power again the power drain the skull is facing from some sort of devine machinery.
As proven by Experiment #343b/sa24 The death of a human being goes together with a huge amount of energy, some of which is even used give genreps the ability to transport ones spirit back into a new (lookalike) body.
If you find suicides so uncivilised and intolerable, how come you still use genrep's ? Its widely known that genreps only transport the essence of you, which some people tend to call, spirits, ghosts or other names.
It kills you, takes your essence, and transports it to a new body on the other side of the world.
This is not theory, this is truth, the side effect is offcourse a temporarly inbalance between the mind and the body, better known as Synaptic Impairment.

As for CityAdmin, they are the greatest evil ever, If we didn't upgrade our defense here they would already have taken TH for their own use, and don't forget we're still being spied upon with their observing machinery topside.
CityAdmin has no right to do any punishment as they are as corrupt as the devil himself and only shall take action when they'll get better over it somehow.
The Twilight Guardian will understand our points, and thus will never think us weak, not to mention that they know we are scientists faithfull to their cause.

The execution of Lisa, Brammers and your lives is regretable in a way, but its just the sign of an escalation, cult members are on the verge of going mad! Which is the fault of you and people like you.

If you take action, count on it there will be a counter action!

!! !! Live for the skull, die for the skull !! !!

Maybe we should move this thread to the pluto roleplay forum on the official forums? See if we can intrest any other faction to join the story or something?
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Postby booglebox » Tue May 18, 2004 2:38 pm

I'm prepared to shed blood. Or at least become a Cult follower anyway.

ooc wouldn't a civil war be fun? fun! fun! fun! fun!
& it would be good buisness for phoenix cos orders for turrets and things would quintuple.
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Postby sanityislost » Tue May 18, 2004 3:06 pm

CA has always been the filth at FA's doorstep like a bag of crap some kid set on can always get rid of the bag but its stench lives on. I fear because of the stupid mistake of getting CA involved brammers will have made FA n TH will never get back to there formal glory when saying "Only Free Minds can Free Society" ment something. As soon as the heads of FA joined with CA to spy and attack there own members they started trying to get rid of Free Minds.

Boogle your welcome to join us at any time just get in contact with myself or husk in game.

ooc: after a talk with some people seems my guys are getting bad SL hits so right now we are thinking of going BD. i still have to talk it over with a few members tho...have already planned away to work it into the plot.

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Postby Alan Parker » Tue May 18, 2004 4:15 pm

No Booglebox, civilwar would be bad for Phoenix's business. No-one would come to tech haven to trade with them.


The debate here is not a question of whether or not CityAdmin is corrupt, so I will not answer your accusations. And the GenReps? Well believe what you like, it is only teleportation technolgy, not savagary. There is no bloodshed involved, no worse that routine surgery in Medicare.
And, further to your comments of City Admin wanting to conquer Tech Haven, this is not true, only details of your involvement with a rebel organisation dedicated to the downfall of the current governmental regime. Again, the debate is not about CityAdmin's monitoring of your home, so we will set that point aside as being unrelated to this issue.

SiL, although many runners were shooting, no harm became the skull. Even if you wanted a show of force, the display you got was indescriminate. You can't argue that the LE runner was "in the way" because he had no idea what was about to happen. The skull literally unleashed hell on all and sundry, and the cult looked on a bayed for more.

My point still stand. City Admin wishes only to see the disolution of an organisation (i.e. the skull cult) which has struck against the City Administration council in an unprovoked attack.

Sanity, if you look at those files, you will note that over the course of our previous encounters, not a single member of your cult was killed by ANY of my agents. Nor, infact, was any violence initiated by any of our agents (although I admit that the Mercs were supposed to hold you up with gunfire, had Dark not showed up). All persons killed at any of the red-rock meetings were done so by Dark. My mercenaries themselves were ambushed by them at Redrock.
If the attempt on my life was in retaliation for the capture of one of your artifacts, then I accept that, but it is seen as an escalation in violence, initiated BY the cult, to which CityAdmin will merely react. If your attack was retribution for violence directed at your cult by counter-cultist agents, then you are mistaken in your beliefs of what happened, and what exactly I am responsible for.

As a small point, which may be of interest to you, When SiL was kidnapped, it was a City Amin agent who found her and returned her safe to Tech Haven.
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