
XL-Story: The fall of Tech Haven

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Postby Dr J Zoidberg » Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:24 pm


need more
need more
need more
need more
need more
need more
need more
need more
need more

please :)
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Postby HusK » Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:34 pm

sex @ teh story =)

I,m init weee... gotta be my first lmfao
Last edited by HusK on Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 17: Plans

Postby Lisa Merlins » Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:25 pm

In a dimmed room, the clan heads of Fallen Angels sat around the table waiting for Ronald Rodriguez to play the intelligence that they had obtained on the big screen. Husk looked around, to see who from Fallen Angels was also present. He could see Ressi from DoY, Garyu69 from eXo and [TgR]Killer from TgR. Then there was himself from and Brammers from Phoenix.

That meant all the Fallen Angels clans were here. Husk did wonder why Phoenix did have two representatives here for a second, but no-one from the other clans objected, or even commented on that. He also could see Lore of Freedom Force here. However there were still two empty seats, one for Ronald who was standing, and another for someone else. Since all the Fallen Angel clans heads was here, he did wonder who the missing person was. Clearly Ronald was waiting for someone to arrive.

Then Husk did a double take, when the last person he was expecting, entered the room. It was Sylvia Bennet of the Fallen Angels Science Council. “Fellow minds and freedom fighters.” she greeted quietly and quickly before sitting down.

“Ok then”, Ronald began. “This footage will be… shocking in places”, quickly looking at Ressi and Sylvia.

“The following footage was obtained from one of our undercover agents in the Dome, via his RPOS feed. He was posing as a Dome of York guard. Unfortunately he was executed shortly after his signal was discovered, about 1 hour ago. It happened while he was sending this footage.”

Ronald pressed a key on his console, and the big screen behind him lit up with static, before clearing to see two people in a darken room, with a single light shinning in the eyes of a single person, sat on his chair with his hands tied. Stood besides him was the familiar black combat uniform of a Dome of York General. The General punched the prisoner in the face. Sylvia and Ressi flinched.

“Where are the plans for the detonator and data processing unit?”

“We don’t have them….I keep telling you. City Admin hacked and stole the plans.”

“LIES”, shouted the General as he punched the prisoner in the stomach. He groaned in pain.

Husk noticed Syliva quietly tapping away on her console, before she shopped. Her face looked pale as if she had discovered something that was terrifying.

“You think I am a fool?”, shouted the general. "The wastelands best hackers being hacked by Reza’s hackers?”

A guard walked into the room and saluted the general. The general accepted the piece of paper, and read it.

The General looked at the prisoner. “So you are the son of the Chief Systems Administrator of Tech Haven, member of the Science Council.”

All of the members of the Fallen Angels clans did a double take. None of them knew the Chief Systems Administrator in person or seen her, yet alone knew that she had a child. All that was known about her, was that she was the best hackers around, and she was a young woman trapped in a teenagers body by some physical disability.

“..and also it seems you been telling me the truth all along.”, said the General.

“Yes, I keep telling you.”

The general slammed the piece of paper on the table. “My agents in the city tell me that the admin have hacked the plans.”. The general struck the prisoner in the face again.

“That’s for being totally incompetent in keeping the plans secure.” The General walked slowly around the room for a few moments. The screen filled with static before clearing again.

“The dome shall wipe the Angels, and Reza’s scum out. For we have nearly completed building two more neutron bombs. In a few hours they will be ready. One will be for Tech Haven. Time to put an end, to the lives of your fellow angels. Oh were the guardian stupid enough to take shelter there? Looks like I'll have the chance to finish the rest of them off at the same time.”

The general took out his gun and aimed it at the head of the prisoner. A shot rang out, and the screen broke into static. The room full of the clan leaders remained in silence, shocked from the brutal footage they had seen. Ronald pressed a button and turned the screen off.

Brammers was the first to break the silence. “Miss Bennet, is that person really who we are told it is.”

Sylvia nodded. “A few hours ago, we received a memo from him. His final one.”

She read it out, “Fellow minds of the council, I have failed in my duty to keep the plans secure. City Admin hackers stole the plans for the bomb. All I wish is for peace. I will be going to the dome to try and tell the dome to tell them that the Admin have the plans. All I can hope is both sides won’t use the bomb, if they both have the bomb. Keep a free mind, signed….” Sylvia looked up from her console.

“The council was trying to start a cold war?”, asked Brammers.

“No”, replied Sylvia. “This action was not sanctioned by the Science council. And we didn’t know anything about this. We also have confirmed that City Admin did hack our systems and they do have copies of the plans to the core of the Neutron bomb.”

“Along with the processor and detonator plans, it seems the City Admin do have a complete set of plans. And we don’t.”, said Brammers.

The room exploded into a mass discussion, on what this would do for Tech Haven, and the future of the Angels. After a few minutes Syliva stood up, and the room quietened down.

“The council have decided to terminate all diplomatic relations with the dome, it was going to come to this anyway, but it looks like it will be sooner than later. Ronald, I believe you have plans to attack the dome?”

“We do, but it requires the forces of several factions.”

Sylvia turned to the clan heads of the Fallen Angels. “I have to ask you all. Would you support the Science Council decision to join the Twilight guardian forces in attacking the Dome?”

All the clan leaders looked uneasy for a few seconds. Ressi was the first to speak. “If our home is threatened, then we must act.”

“You won’t get any argument from me, you have mine and Phoenix’s backing.”. One by one each of the remaining clan leaders gave their support to backing an all out attack on the Dome. It was clear that when the Angel’s home of Tech Haven was under threat, everyone would stand together to fight for their home.

“So what’s the plan?”, asked [TgR]Killer. “You can’t attack the dome at their gates, they see us coming for miles, and they will be ready for us.”

“Correct, so we will use their tunnel network.”, replied Ronald. He clicked on the console, and the big screen on the wall sprung into life showing the map of the north east of the wastelands from Tech Haven.

“As the plans stand now, we will enter the tunnels in F08 and attack the K14 entrance. Tsunami Syndicate will enter the tunnels in F09 and attack the K11 entrance. Crahn will enter the Tunnels in F10 and attack the K16 entrance. I’ve heard that Crahn have asked for Black Dragon to support them, so it’s likely they will be coming as well. The Dome affects their freedom as well, so can we suspend the hostilities between you, the Dragons and Crahn?”

None of the Fallen Angels in the room felt comfortable fighting alongside Crahn and Black Dragon. “If we must….”, said one of the clan leaders.

“We go in about 22:00 tonight, and attack the entrances simultaneously at 06:00. Any more questions?”

Ressi spoke first, “What about Tech Haven, if we are all there, we don’t want to leave it undefended?”

Sylvia replied. “Our defence system can take care of them and hold them if needed.”

“Some of my younger members would be best suited to fighting here, than in the tunnels. And we know the defence system has failed before.”

“I would agree.”, said [TgR]Killer, “And also doesn’t the com-link not work properly in the tunnels? Calling for help will be difficult to impossible.”

“That’s correct.“, replied Ronald. “Ok, a small force shall stay behind in Tech Haven.”

“Final questions?”, asked Ronald. No-one said anything. “Ok get your forces ready”.

Everyone got up. Brammers, Garyu69 and Husk walked quietly into a corner. “If we need everyone to take on the Dome, what about Lisa.”, asked Husk.

“I’ll ask Morpheous what going down there. I will leave a small force there if possible. I’m going to give her every chance we can.”

“Ok sir. We better get down to Gravis and get them all ready.”
Lisa Merlins
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Chapter 18: Search at Gravis

Postby Lisa Merlins » Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:31 pm

It was midnight at Gravis Uplink. Sedna and Morpheous had been at the search for nearly 14 hours straight, trying to find Lisa. So far the result was a blank.

The uplink had been deserted for several hours now. All the forces that was here earlier, had been re-assigned to help assault the Dome. Sedna and Morpheous wasn’t totally alone, Allure and Waith Nightcaster choose to remain at Gravis. Allure requested to remain with Wraith, as she didn’t like the tunnels at all.

If any trouble did arrive the four Angels could call for help from the small force that remained at Tech Haven. While the two monks patroled the outside of the op, Sedna and Morpheous continued to work underground in the control room.

Sedna got up. “Want a drink?”

“Please Warbot cola.”, replied Morpheous. He pressed a key on his hacktool, and lowered his Neural Lace to start yet another search in another segment of the uplink computers.

“Ok”, smiled Sedna. She was needing to stretch her legs. She walked towards the door on the op-room control centre and was about to open it, when she saw something odd in the console in the corner. She stopped to look. It was an old console which was not supposed to be in use, but it was certainly alive and working. The monitor was showing a pattern of zeros and ones, before it cleared and repeated the same pattern. To Sedna it looked familiar.

Code: Select all
1 0000 0    1101 001 00 1010 101    1000 010 111 011 10    0010 111 1001    0111 001 11 0110 0 100    111 0001 0 010    1 0000 0    0100 01 1100 1011    000 0100 0 0 0110 00 10 110    100 111 110 000

She flicked a switch next to the loudspeaker built into the console, and the room was filled with sounds of beep’s, boop’s and dats.

“Beep Dat Boop Boop Boop Boop Dat Boop Dat Dat Dat Dat Beep Beep Boop Beep Dat Boop Boop Beep Dat Boop Boop Dat Beep Boop Beep Boop Dat Beep Boop Beep Dat Dat Dat Dat Beep Boop Boop Boop Dat Boop Beep Boop Dat Beep Beep Beep Dat Boop Beep Beep Dat Beep Boop Dat Dat Dat Dat Boop Boop Beep Boop Dat Beep Beep Beep Dat Beep Boop Boop Beep Dat Dat Dat Dat Boop Beep Beep Beep Dat Boop Boop Beep Dat Beep Beep Dat Boop Beep Beep Boop Dat Boop Dat Beep Boop Boop Dat Dat Dat Dat Beep Beep Beep Dat Boop Boop Boop Beep Dat Boop Dat Boop Beep Boop Dat Dat Dat Dat Beep Dat Boop Boop Boop Boop Dat Boop Dat Dat Dat Dat Boop Beep Boop Boop Dat Boop Beep Dat Beep Beep Boop Boop Dat Beep Boop Beep Beep Dat Dat Dat Dat Boop Boop Boop Dat Boop Beep Boop Boop Dat Boop Dat Boop Dat Boop Beep Beep Boop Dat Boop Boop Dat Beep Boop Dat Beep Beep Boop Dat Dat Dat Dat Beep Boop Boop Dat Beep Beep Beep Dat Beep Beep Boop Dat Boop Boop Boop”

Morpheous jumped up, “What the hell is that?”

Sedna pointed to the screen. “Does that look familiar?”

Morpheous looked closer at the screen. “It does indeed.” He went and got his hacktool with the crypto software. He pressed a button and he had a copy of the message on his hacktool. “Dam she using that dam code that I can’t crack.”

Morpheous did a quick scan of the codes on his hacktool. “Hmm this message has 26 different sets of codes.”

“Well the alphabet has 26 letters.”, commented Sedna. Morpheous face went a little white. “Oh no. The code is not that simple? If it is, then the simplest trick of code-breaking should had worked. Frequency analysis. Why didn’t I try that?”

Morpheous clicked several keys, and the binary message turned into a badly spelt message. He opened a table and swapped a few entries, and re-read the message. It was a perfect crack.

“It’s that simple. Damm why didn’t I think of that before.”, said Morpheous shaking his head.

“Check the message that Garyu69 got.”

Morpheous called up the email and pressed a key to crack it. Straight away it came out as an English sentence. He read it out. “Garyu it is Lisa red nails help I am trapped inside Gravis Uplink”

“That’s Lisa ok, and at least we are looking in the right place for her. Now she must be controlling that console.”, said Sedna. She looked at the console. “Erm the message has changed.”

Sure enough the message had change, to a simple repeating “1010 01”, and the speaker was going “Beep Boop Beep Boop Dat Boop Beep”.

Morpheous pressed a key on his hacktool. “Ermm this isn’t right. It just says C and A, I think the message has got stuck.”

Sedna looked puzzled. “Beep Boop Beep Boop Dat Boop Beep”, the speaker continued to repeat.

“Wait a minute.CA means...”,said Sedna. All the sudden the consoles in the room powered down and reset. A voice came over the speaker, “Primary security barrier disabled. Backup systems enabled.”

“CITY ADMIN?”, said Morpheous and Sedna together.

The two doors in the control room burst open and two Elite Storm bots ran in, and aimed their Plasma cannons ready to fire at the two Angels.

Morpheous and Sedna put their hands up.

“Drop your weapons!”, Shouted the first Elite Storm bot.

Sedna and Morpheous looked at each other. Neither of them where holding what they considered to be weapons. The only thing that they were holding was their hacktools.

“I said put your weapons down…NOW!”

Slowly Morpheous and Sedna dropped their hacktools to the floor.

In the background, a voice said “Backup system disabled.”

Gravis Uplink had fallen to City Admin.
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Cracking the code...

Postby Lisa Merlins » Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:57 pm

ooc: Ok everyone, I'm going to reveal the code. There were several clues I left, which should had helped, guess they didn't.

If you look at the message, there is a small space between each group of numbers, and also a larger space, which should had given you a clue. The larger space was a word seperator, and the smaller one a letter seperator.

Also the clue in chapter one. Wraith Shadowfall actually read this out on the vent server, and he was almost going in the right direction.

This was a clue to how I coded the messages up. The sentence that was supposed to give the clue was:-

Lisa picked up the datadisc reader and showed Brammers.

“The History of Land’s End Radio?” Queried Brammers.

“Opps sorry Sir, that’s my current Ceres disc reading material”. Lisa picked up the 2nd datadisc reader and swapped the reader with the one Brammers had in his hand.

If my history is correct, this radio station has just closed down, and was the last to use the 500kHz frequency, which is used to transmit and recieve morse code.

Now all I did was take a message, translate the message into Morse. Change the dashes to 1's and dots to 0's. Any spaces between words I put 3 spaces in. So for example, my name Lisa Merlins becomes.

Code: Select all
.-.. .. ... .- /  -- . .-. .-.. .. -. ... 

Then it becomes in binary

Code: Select all
0100 00 000 01 /  11 0 010 0100 00 10 000 

Change the word spaces to three spaces.

Code: Select all
0100 00 000 01    11 0 010 0100 00 10 000 

I used the Morse translator on this web page.

Now I'll admit I wasn't expecting the winner to crack the code in the way that he did. When he got hold of me on the phone, he said he was going to use Frequency Analysis to crack it I knew it could be very easily broken. Some letters in the English alphabet are used a lot, such as the letter E. So you look for the most repeated binary code and and that becomes E. You do this for each letter until you start seeing words. The rest should fall into place. It was the last method I was expecting to be used.

So well done Katherine Mayer, and shame on you Angels for letting City Admin beat you in the war of code cracking.

There is about 10 chapters left of the story to go... Will the Angels successfully attack the Dome? Will City Admin build a Neutron Bomb? And what will happen to our hero's Sedna and Morpheous at Gravis, who are in the hands of the evil City Admin. And can they rescue Lisa?

...To be continued.
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Postby HusK » Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:46 pm

*sighs* Damn those 'to be continued' grrr!! Someone should make that forbidden *g*
Brilliant plan on the code lisa, don't think thats been used (much) before, combine morse code with binary... I'm a bit ashamed at this moment, because I didn't even try... looked to time consuming, with all that other stuff on my mind... but offcourse I know for SURE :twisted: that I would have cracked it easily :twisted: (MUHAHAHA :shifty: )

*cough*cough* O_o right... oh well, perhaps not easy... :unsure: *cough* okay not then, you win! >_<

Off I go... hope the story goes further on soon, cause this stuff is my heroïne for now :love:
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Postby sanityislost » Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:35 pm

OOC: You forgot to Say " Same FA time, Same FA Channel" lol

another great chapter, was really kick ass ^^

SiL ..:..
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Chapter 19: Meanwhile, at Tristar..

Postby Katherine Mayer » Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:06 pm

Here's a little Lisa-sanctioned contribution from yours truly:

The walls of Tristar Uplink shook with the impact of another salvo of micro-missiles as the small unit of DoY Scout Bots made another attempt to breach the perimeter of the outpost. Outside, the roar of gunfire from the defenders was deafening, but inside the terminal room, it was muted - as much a part of the background noise as the low hum from the terminals themselves. The concrete dust falling from the ceiling was annoying though.

Praetorian coughed once, but didn't let the dust distract him from the task at hand - hacking the last layer of the outpost. The previous owners had installed additional security around the remaining layer and it was taking longer than normal to bring the outpost under City Admin control. Idly, Katherine wandered over to the terminal and wiped the dust from the screen with her bare hand. The mass of glowing lines might have confused most, but she was familiar enough with the process to see that slowly, he was gaining the upper hand.

With a sigh, she turned from the console and cradled her rifle between her arms, then walked back to the doorway. Lazlo looked up from his Speed Gat, gave her a bored shrug and went back to spinning the barrels. They were both meant to be covering the chief's back, but so far, the Bots hadn't even found their way into the complex. With their numbers dwindling, it was looking increasingly likely that they wouldn't make it in at all.

Still, they were behind schedule.

"Hey, guys - I'm getting some com-chatter from Gravis." came a voice over her headset. Katherine looked around, then stepped out of the terminal room.

"And?" she demanded.

"Uh, their hackers are all KIA. Seems like the Angels had the Op and didn't want to give it back." replied Braxton.

Katherine glanced back in the room. Lazlo was watching the green lights dance across the computer screen, and Praetorian was still working at the last barrier. She glanced at her watch. Twenty minutes behind schedule. Damn.

"Hows the Crest team doing?" she asked. Braxton laughed.

"Waaay ahead of you. The cavalry's there but they be waitin for their merc hackers to arrive. Hawkins team isn't even inside the facility yet."

Katherine swore. There was now a real danger that they would start loosing control of the Uplinks before they had a chance to transmit the code. They were running out of time.

"Kat, take Laz and Braxton down to Gravis and give them a hand."

Surprised, Katherine turned to see Praetorian set the hacktool on the terminal and rub his eyes. The web of green lines on the terminal screen had been replaced with a message that read


"Aye sir!" she replied. Happy that they were finally going to do something, Lazlo joined her in the hallway and together they began running towards the exit.

"Braxton, prep your car and meet us at the perimeter. We're going to Gravis."


Outside, the fighting had died down, and the hackers were already picking through the smouldering remains of the attacking force while Sephyria and a number of the more experienced members kept watch. Katherine and Lazlo ran across the open ground and caught up with Braxton outside the Uplink's walls.

"Dude!" he exclaimed as they approached, scanning the dunes around the front of the Uplink. "Where's my car?"

As if on cue, the sound of tearing metal and rushing wind made them look skywards just in time to see the ragged silhouette of a Wheeler hurtling towards them. They could do nothing but watch as it landed on it's side with a crunch, ploughed into the sand and slowly came to a halt a few feet away. Before the sand had time to settle, the chassis groaned and the car rolled onto it's roof. One of the wheels fell off and the car alarm belatedly sprung into life.

As one, they turned to look in the direction the car had come from. At first they could see nothing through the heat haze of the desert, but soon an blurry form took shape accompanied by an angry bellow. When the ground began to shake, they realised it heralded the approach of one of the nastier denizens of the wastelands - a Decayed Brute. Comically, it had part of the rear axle dangling from it's mouth, and that seemed to push the Gen Tank over the edge.

Braxton yelled something that couldn't be heard over the noise of the car alarm, and unslung his rocket launcher.

"Let's leave him to it!" Kat yelled to Lazlo. She wasn't sure he heard her, but her hand gestures must have been enough. They darted around the corner and picked their way through the other vehicles belonging to the clan before climbing into Katherine's Reveller. She dropped her rifle into the passenger seat and started the engine, slammed it into reverse and put her foot down on the accelerator - the engine roared into life and propelled the vehicle away from the wall. As soon as the vehicle was clear of the others, she span it round to face south, changing gear at the same time, and took off without loosing any momentum.

"You've been taking lessons, haven't you?" laughed Laz from the gunner seat above her.

Katherine grinned, changed up a gear and floored the accelerator.
Katherine Mayer, Agent of the City Administration and the only runner to be awarded the Law Protector.

Serve the Public Trust.
Protect the Innocent.
Uphold the Law.
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Chapter 20: Unwelcomed visitors

Postby Lisa Merlins » Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:02 am

Wraith Nightcaster and Allure kept watched from the hills overlooking Gravis Uplink. In the darkness they saw the two APC’s arrive. One of them carried four Elite Storm bots and the other one carried four runners.

“What they doing here?”, Asked Allure.
“Don’t know.”, replied Wraith. “And I’m not comfortable with them being here. I just hope they leave the op alone."

Allure strained her eyes to try and identify the faction of the runners. “Looks like a mix of factions. Diamond, Biotech and two City Admin. ”

The group of four runners stood in a circle inside the uplink with the four storm bots. One of the City Admin runners started giving instructions to the group. Wraith managed to overhear what was being said. “You three hack the op, make sure he takes the last layer, otherwise this plan will not work...The fact that it belongs to Phoenix or Fallen Angels is irrelevant. City Admin orders...I don’t care if they sold you 50 Hovertecs at a cheap price to you.”

The leader of the group turned to the Elite Storm Bots. You two keep an eye on the front entrance, and you two watch the back entrance. Before you two start your duties check the underground. I don’t want any surprises.”. Wraith flinched when he recognised the leader. “That’s Agent Foster of City Admin. He’s one nasty piece of work I heard.”

The four Elite Storm bots nodded and moved to their positions. Two of them stood guard at the front of the outpost, while the other two Storm went down into the underground of the uplink.

The leader turned to the other three runners, “Ok you lot, get ready to start the hack.”

Allure and Wraith looked at each other. “We got to stop them.”, said Wraith.

Allure pointed to the back entrance. “They left the back entrance un-guarded. So long as those guards don’t get involved too fast I can take all four of them out.”

Wraith nodded in agreement. “Ok get ready to do your worst.”. Wraith silently whispered to himself, as he cast shelter and deflector on himself and Allure. “Go!”

Like air in the wind, the two monks ran silently down the hill towards the back entrance of Gravis uplink. With their backs pressed up against the wall, Wraith once again overheard the conversation inside the op.

“Layer one down.”

“Good, now get the seconds and third down. We have not much time left. Oh great, those storm bots have found two Angels in the underground. I’ll be back in a moment.”

Wraith heard the footsteps of the leader walking away. Allure put three fingers up. Wraith nodded.

Allure gave a silent countdown with her fingers.!

Wraith and Allure ran into the op towards the hack room. “Layer two down...what the...”

“Lampo Santo!”, whispered Allure to herself. A bolt of lighting struck the second hacker, and sent him flying from the console. The other two spy’s drew their Pain Easers rifles out, and started to shoot Allure and Wraith. The bullets deflected off the invisible shield surrounding the two monks.

“Parassita mortale!”. A green mist filled the hack room, and the three hackers started to shake violently and turn green. One of the hackers yelled in pain as the poison proved too much for him. Wraith threw a heal over Allure and himself. “Tempesta del fuoco!” Now the floor of the hack room was on fire. The three spies screamed in pain, before all falling over. All that was left was three smouldering corpses.

“Freeze!”, shouted one of the Elite Storm bots guarding the front, who had come to check on the noises. But it was no use. The two monks jumped over the wall and disappeared into the night.

The Elite Storm bot, surveyed the hack room. The bot opened a channel on his com-link. “Agent Foster, report to the surface.”

After a minute, Agent Foster appeared from the underground entrance. “What is it?”

“Sir I regret two monks killed the hack team, and got away.”, reported the Elite Storm Bot.

“Idiots! Consider your promotion to the 44th cancelled. Get on the com link and get another team here fast we are running out of time. And cover both the front AND back entrances this time.” Agent Foster stormed off back to the underground.

Agent foster climbed down the ladder feeling very angry. He went into the room containing Sedna, Morpheous and the two other Elite Storm bots.

He slammed the table with his fist. “Two of your friends just killed my team.” Sedna flinched, while Morpheous grinned slightly. They both knew that Allure and Wraith stopped the hackers just in time to prevent the final layer being hacked.

“You, go up to the uplink and assist the other two other useless muppets of your team. I don’t want any more surprises.”, barked Agent Foster at the 2nd Elite Storm Bot.

Agent Foster walked slowly around the two Angels. “You two better tell me why you are here, and not with that strike force thats about to hit the Dome. And if you don’t talk, I shall start making things...unpleasant.”
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Chapter 21: Rescue plans.

Postby Lisa Merlins » Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:13 am

“Well Wraith, I have to give it to you…this is the most unusual hiding place I have ever been in.”, Allure said.

The Drom next to Allure let off a low moan. “Hiding in a herd of Droms is the last place I would ever think of hiding.”

Sure enough Allure and Wraith were hiding in a herd of over one hundred Droms. “I could tell you a lot of things about Droms…”, started Wraith.

“I don’t want to know.”, Allure quickly said. “Have you got hold of Tech Haven for backup?”

“No.”, said Wraith. “There is no response. I hope they aren’t in trouble.”

“What we do, head back to Tech Haven for help?”

“There is no time. If Agent Foster has Elite Storm bots at his disposal, there is no telling what they will do to Sedna and Morpheous. We need a plan to get them out.”

Allure looked around her and smiled. “Wraith…I have an idea.”


Agent foster slapped Sedna hard in the face. “Tell me when the forces went in the tunnels.”

Sedna spat back at her interrogator. “I am not telling you anything you bastard!”, he wiped the spit of his face. “You will wish you never did that.”

The portable radio handset on the table crackled into life. “Agent Foster, the backup team is coming and will be here in five minutes.”

He picked up the radio handset and pressed a button. “About time to.”, snapped Agent Foster.

“And sir…we have an unusual problem. Erm…there is a herd of Droms in the uplink.”

Sedna and Morpheous looked at each other in bewilderment.

“This is no time for Jokes.”, growled Agent Foster. “I’m coming up in five minutes, so I can organise the next hack team. We are going to be very tight for time.”

Agent Foster went to the door leading to the corridor of the uplink, and opened the door. There stood two monks Allure and Wraith. Allure whispered silently to herself and push her hand sharply forward, and let of a force of lightning which sent Agent Foster flying backwards and slamming into the uplink console panels. Agent Foster was out cold.

The remaining Storm bot started to aim his Plasma cannon, only to be frozen on the spot by Wraith’s paralysing spell. Allure whispered something different and the Elite Storm Bot was struck repeatedly by Allure’s very powerful Holy Lightning spell, before he fell over unconscious.

“Thank Crahn you two are here. Er by the way, Droms?”, Asked Sedna.

“Yeap.”, Grinned Wraith. “There is a herd of Droms in the op. It was Allure’s idea to herd the Droms into the op, and distract the guards, while we sneaked down here.”

Morpheous walked over to the old console that was active earlier which Lisa was somehow using it to communicate to them earlier. It was now lifeless. His heart sank.

“We got to get out of here before those guards come down.”, Allure said. “We are going to sneak through the op to the Genrep room outside the uplink, using the Droms as cover.”

“Come on, we don’t have much time.”


Katherine Mayer was driving her Reveller flat out towards Gravis Uplink. She had never driven her Reveller this hard and fast for a long time. The Reveller launched off a bump into the air, before landing hard again on the ground.

”Careful Kat, you going to bust the suspension on this.”, shouted Lazlo from the gunner seat.

“Don’t worry, it has a lifetime guarantee.”

The Reveller flew over another bump and started heading downhill towards Gravis Uplink. Ahead of them was a herd of Droms coming out of the uplink.

“Hmm Droms are good. Don't you think Kat?”, smiled Lazlo. Katherine didn’t think so. She flicked a switch on her dash and turned on the extra spotlights she had fitted to the Reveller, and held down the horn on the steering control.

The Droms scattered in all directions as if a Decayed Brute had arrived for his Breakfast, to reveal four runners croaching and sneaking towards the genrep. “Freeze”, shouted the Elite Storm bot at the entrance of the uplink. All four runners started making a run towards the Genrep room.

Katherine droped down a gear, while Lazlo swung his Reveller gun around to take aim at the escaping Angels. He fired at the monk at the front, only for the monk to wave his had and a white shield appear around him. The 30mm bullets deflected off the leading monk into the air.

“Damm PPU’s”, Shouted Lazlo, as he took aim on the second runner. He fired and the earth on the ground right behind the second runner started to fly up into the air.

Wraith was leading the line of running Angels., followed by Morpheous, Sedna and Allure, towards the genrep room. The Elite Storm Bot fired and hit Allure. She fell over.and let out a cry. Wraith turned around and quickly cast a heal on Allure, while Sedna and Morpheous ran straight past Wraith, with 30 mm bullets flying all around them.

Morpheous hit the controls on Genrep and selected Techhaven as fast as he could. His molecules disappeared into a stream of matter. Sedna arrived a second later at the controls of the genrep. She selected Tech Haven and looked around to see the chasing Reveller doing a powerslide towards Wraith who had manged to pull up Allure. In a brief second Sedna worked out that Allure and Wraith could just make it to the Genrep room before the Reveller ran them over. Then she saw the gun of the reveller taking aim at her. She saw Lazlo starting to press the trigger on the gun. Sedna hit the genrep controls.

Sedna saw the Genrep room of Gravis Uplink disappeared from existence and Tech Haven Sector 2 materialise around her. She stepped quickly away from the Genrep to allow Wraith and Allure to materialise through.

Morpheous stood beside Sedna. The Genrep did not fizzle into life.

“Where are they?”, asked Sedna.

“Shh!”, said Morpheous quickly. “Listen carefully”.

Sedna listened. She could hear nothing. “That’s not right.”. She couldn’t hear the steady hum of the Tech Haven power systems. She looked down at the Tech Haven security turret next to the Genrep. It looked lifeless, without it’s power source.

“FREEZE!”. Two Elite Storm Bots stood at the end of the Genrep room aiming their plasma cannons at them.

Sedna and Morpheous raised their hands into the air.
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Chapter 22: The Dark side of the Tunnels

Postby Lisa Merlins » Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:25 am

The Dome of York guard stood at the bottom of the ladder in the dark tunnel network. To him, this was about the worse job that any member of the Dome of York, Combine Guardian Division could ever get. Guard duty in the Dome of York tunnels. Quite simply, standing in a poorly lit tunnel with no radio contact to the surface was not fun at all. The only rewarding part of the job was being able to kill on sight anyone other than the military.

He looked down the tunnel into the darkness, and spotted a red dot down. One of the defence units must be making it's rounds down this part of the tunnel network, he thought to himself. The guard relaxed for a brief second, until he noticed something odd about the movement of the red dot.

The red dot moved sharply upwards. The guard began to feel uneasy. He checked his ray gun rifle, and looked down the tunnel. The red dot was rapidly moving towards him at high speed. He thought this defence unit must either have high speed tracks fitted, or had malfunctioned. The next thing he saw was the letters O-N-O-Z written on the side of a Revenge drone, coming to a rapid stop right next to him. He drew his gun level with the drone, but he was not quick enough.

The blast force of the exploding Revenge drone threw him down the tunnel corridor to the next intersection into the direct line of fire of a private eye waiting around the corner. Lying on his back he saw the private eye in his power armour squeezed the trigger on his pain easer. Close to death the guard closed his eyes waiting for the end. He then heard a click, and then the private eye mutter "Shit!" to himself.

The guard’s eyes snapped open. He swung his legs around, and booted the private eye square in the chest to send him flying backwards into the wall of the tunnels. Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He did not feel the Blade of Ceres piercing his body. The last thing he remembered was seeing the blade glitter in the low light of the tunnels.

The GenTank pull his weapon out and wiped it on the clothes of the dead guard. "You alright there?"

"Yeah...thanks Hiro I owe you one."
"It's ok.", smiled Hiro. He pulled Continuity up.

Hiro Protagonist Blackstone heard the sound of several fusion cannons being fired at once. He looked down the corridor to see several fusion blasts hitting the wall at the next intersection, followed by a shower of metal from a destroyed Defence unit hitting the wall.

Hiro's com-link fuzzed into life. He barely heard someone say "That’s the last of them.". Then the com-link fuzzed into life again. "Group..fuzz...tunnel exit....fuzz...5...fuzzz".

Hiro looked around, and saw Brammers come up down the tunnel in is power armour. "Good work. If I heard the com-link correctly we are to meet at the exit for the final assault."

Brammers evaluated the current state of affairs. They had gone underground just under 8 hours ago for the assault on the Dome of York. The assault teams consisting of clans from Twilight Guardian and Fallen Angels had made good progress with minimum casualties to the alliance. The teams and groups of Dome of York guards, and defence units fell very fast under the huge firepower and numbers. At one point a GenTank commented that there was about 50 red dots from all the laser pointers of the wepons, just focused on one guard at a crossroads. Although Brammers did wonder if the GenTank could count that fast before the Dome of York guard was turned into Swiss cheese, yet alone how the GenTank counted all the way up to 50.

The next step of the plan was to emerge from the tunnels, and assault the Dome of York entrance at K14. The Tsunami Syndicate forces would take on the entrance at K11 and the combined forces of Black Dragon and Crahn would take on the entrance at K16. The Twilight Guardian forces would have a slightly harder job, as their tunnel stopped one zone short of K14, so they would have to make a fast run across the desert to the entrance. Brammers made his way to the exit of the Tunnels to meet Ronald Rodriguez.

"Mr Rodriguez Sir.", greeted Brammers.

"One moment Brammers, we got a couple of stealthers checking the outside, and the entrance, but they are taking their time."

Brammers nodded, when he noticed Hiro pull out his Coursed Soul, and take aim at the wall. Brammers looked around to see a blue haze in the air, just in front of Hiro. Out of thin air, a runner appeared. Hiro put his cursed soul away. "Sorry mate."

"That’s ok.", replied the spy. He turned to Ronald. "Sir! I can report there are no DoY forces on the top, and it's still dark."

"Excellent, we have achieved surprise.", replied Ronald.

"My Brother has gone to check the main entrance in K14, he will in a few minutes. However there are some odd things Sir. First when I got up there I had a load of queued messages from our automated monitoring systems. While we where underground, three of our ops have been taken by City Admin. I checked further and it was the following Cajun, Tescom and Tristar."

"Cheeky Admin, taking our uplinks.", retorted Ronald.

The spy looked at Ronald for a second. He then stood still for a few seconds as if he was doing some mental checking, "Sir...there is more. All the uplinks are under City Admin control."

"That doesn't make any sense.", replied Ronald looking puzzled.

Brammers looked alarmed. Had Morpheous and Sedna got Lisa out of Gravis uplink before City Admin took the op? He would be having some serious words with Praetorian of TGM if they had took the op from Phoenix without permission. The only way he was going to find out was to contact the team left at Tech Haven, but that would mean breaking radio silence on the com-link. Brammers spotted another blue haze come down the ladder, and once again, it morphed into a friendly runner.

"Hey there.", replied the second spy. "Got to the entrance, they have their normal 3 guards there, but I think they know we are coming. As I was leaving a klaxon alarm went off."

"Crap there goes our surprise attack.”,replied Ronald. "OK LETS MOVE IT, WE ARE GOING IN"

There was a sound of weapons being checked and reload, and shouts of "GO GO GO!", and "Lets kick some ass."

Runners surged past Brammers up the ladder to the surface. He waited for a group of young GenTank wearing red shirts to go up to the topside, before following them with most of Phoenix behind him.

They got outside the tunnel entrance. Brammers looked to the North to see the glow of the lights coming from the city inside the Dome of York. It was a clear night, as he could count all of the 15 smaller glass domes protecting the smaller sectors of Dome of York, while the larger glass dome covered the City Centre sector.

Suddenly there was a bright and very intense flash from the biggest dome. It shattered into several thousand pieces, before exploding skywards. The ground started to shake, and there was a deafening crack. On the horizon he could see a wall of sand coming towards them at high speed, when there was a second brighter flash from the dome.

Brammers turned around, and saw his own sharp shadow cast in the sand. Night had turned into day. He felt the back of his power armour starting to warm up. Whatever was going on in the Dome was not good. Brammers waved to tell everyone to get back down into the tunnel. He ran into the shaking tunnel dome entrance and jumped down the ladder.

There was a deafening roar as the wall of sand rumbled over, and the tunnels shook even more violently. Brammers felt his back starting to burn. He did not remember what happened next.
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Chapter 23: Blood sunrise

Postby Lisa Merlins » Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:28 am

"Brammers Sir?", he heard a voice.

Brammers open his eyes. He was no longer wearing his power armour, but he could see he was still in the tunnels. Maggie Blackstone cast a heal on him. He tried to move, but he felt weak.

"Try not to move sir."

"Maggie, excuse me what I am about to say, but what the hell happened?"

"We don’t know sir. You just past out, and the back of your PA is almost melted. There are several teams topside checking the area and the Dome, but what I've's ugly."

"How long have I've been out?"

"About four hours. Sir"

"I need to go topside."

After about ten minutes of resting, Brammers’ strength returned. He needed help getting up the ladder to the topside of the tunnels. He emerged from the tunnel entrance to a scorched red sky. A sky he had never seen before. To the north he could see the Dome of York with glows of red from the fires that raged inside. None of the domes that protected the Dome of York could be seen. Littered over the desert, lay burnt corpses, some where still burning.

He was joined by Husk, [TgR]Killer and Garyu69. All of them looked to the North in total silence, trying to comprehend what had happened.

Brammers saw Ronald approach him, looking very grave.

"What happened here?", Brammers asked.

"The two neutron bombs where detonated inside the Dome. What we don’t know if it was an accident or deliberate."

"My Crahn...and the residents of the Dome??"

Ronald looked down, before recomposing himself. "All dead, except for a few survivors we are finding in pockets of the Dome."

"And the attacking forces?"

"All alive, but very shaken up. We had reports of minimum casualties. Seems most of the forces was underground when the blasts happened."

A spy came up to Ronald and whispered in his ear. "What?", exclaimed Ronald. "You better repeat that for the Chairman of Fallen Angels here."

The spy turned towards Brammers. "Sorry Sir. Sir...I regret to inform you, that we have confirmed reports that City Admin has taken control of Tech Haven."

Brammers closed his eyes. Dome of York lay in Ruins, and Tech Haven had fallen.
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Postby sanityislost » Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:10 am

Daaaaaaaaaaamn! very very nice work Lisa n kat!!! ^^

SiL ..:..
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Re: Cracking the code...

Postby Morpheous » Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:33 pm

Lisa Merlins wrote:ooc: Ok everyone, I'm going to reveal the code. There were several clues I left, which should had helped, guess they didn't.

If you look at the message, there is a small space between each group of numbers, and also a larger space, which should had given you a clue. The larger space was a word seperator, and the smaller one a letter seperator.

Also the clue in chapter one. Wraith Shadowfall actually read this out on the vent server, and he was almost going in the right direction.

This was a clue to how I coded the messages up. The sentence that was supposed to give the clue was:-

Lisa picked up the datadisc reader and showed Brammers.

“The History of Land’s End Radio?” Queried Brammers.

“Opps sorry Sir, that’s my current Ceres disc reading material”. Lisa picked up the 2nd datadisc reader and swapped the reader with the one Brammers had in his hand.

If my history is correct, this radio station has just closed down, and was the last to use the 500kHz frequency, which is used to transmit and recieve morse code.

Now all I did was take a message, translate the message into Morse. Change the dashes to 1's and dots to 0's. Any spaces between words I put 3 spaces in. So for example, my name Lisa Merlins becomes.

Code: Select all
.-.. .. ... .- /  -- . .-. .-.. .. -. ... 

Then it becomes in binary

Code: Select all
0100 00 000 01 /  11 0 010 0100 00 10 000 

Change the word spaces to three spaces.

Code: Select all
0100 00 000 01    11 0 010 0100 00 10 000 

I used the Morse translator on this web page.

Now I'll admit I wasn't expecting the winner to crack the code in the way that he did. When he got hold of me on the phone, he said he was going to use Frequency Analysis to crack it I knew it could be very easily broken. Some letters in the English alphabet are used a lot, such as the letter E. So you look for the most repeated binary code and and that becomes E. You do this for each letter until you start seeing words. The rest should fall into place. It was the last method I was expecting to be used.

So well done Katherine Mayer, and shame on you Angels for letting City Admin beat you in the war of code cracking.

There is about 10 chapters left of the story to go... Will the Angels successfully attack the Dome? Will City Admin build a Neutron Bomb? And what will happen to our hero's Sedna and Morpheous at Gravis, who are in the hands of the evil City Admin. And can they rescue Lisa?

...To be continued.

Damnit. I shoulda seen that- i've been to the Lands End Radio building too :banghead: :banghead:
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Postby Lisa Merlins » Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:24 pm

ooc: Good news...writter's block is now cured. Final 2 parts are coming (About 4 to 8 chapters)

If the coffee keeps brewing, I may have one of the parts ready tonight.
Lisa Merlins
Phoenix Public Relations - Member of the 1st Paladin Order.

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