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Rare DB Login Issues and fixes

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Rare DB Login Issues and fixes

Postby Brammers » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:14 pm

You may have the following issues when logging into the Rares DB.

I get "Your password needs to be upgraded."

We have recently upgraded the THN forums to phpBB3 which uses a different and more secure password encryption system. The Rares DB uses the THN forums for authentication.

Before you can login to the Rares DB, you password needs to be upgraded. To upgrade your password, please follow this link and login. Once you have logged in to the forums you can re-log back into the Rares DB

I get "The maximum number of X login attempts has been exceeded."

Well if you are here and you are reading this, there is a good chance you are human and forgotten your password, or have trouble typing your password.

If you are a bot and you are here, we don't believe you.

To fix: Before you can login again, please login by following this link. You may be asked to solve a CAPTCHA. Once you have logged in again, you can log into the Rares DB again.
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