
E.A.R.L reporting in for duty.

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E.A.R.L reporting in for duty.

Postby E.A.R.l » Thu Dec 25, 2003 3:43 pm

Greetings fellow Angels

Im a Experimental Army Remotecontrol Lifeform, send in after previous scouting report from our undercover agent.
My objective is to learn the ways of the Angels and defend TH to secure a safe haven for "outlawed" scientists so the future can bene...
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Hail angels.
Some of u have interacted with our operative Lo-Ki, who scouted TH for possible Earl testing area's.
Lo-Ki had positive reports about TH and the Angels he had met.
Social interaction and the willingnes to help eachother were the key factors for choosing TH as homebase for the unit.
Earl is an advanged drone control unit with capability to hack everything, Earl units are disigned for remote support and as guerillia warriors,highly adaptive and equiped with the most advanced linguistic program to blend in with local population.
Any information on the Earl units construction and layout are labeled "Top Secret", all we can say is that we are a sister organisation of the people that constructed the C.Y.B.O.T unit, just cause we wich to remain a secretive scientist operation does not mean we cannot support our fellow angels openly. Please see to the earl unit as u would see to any other fellow angel.

best of luck and save days to u all.

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*******resuming earl program*******
fit from the results of of ur inventions.
Im equiped with self adapting software, in other words i can learn new things and adapt to use the best things available to me.
I hope on a bright and save future for us all.
Cya in TH walkways angels.
THN nib
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2003 11:08 am

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