
goodbye old friend..

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goodbye old friend..

Postby [TgR]KILLER » Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:04 pm

Neocron is deffo over for me.. i quit after 2.2 when i tried the free game time back then but it just made every other game crash.. all the changes were to much for me to.. now i saw you could play for free i reinstalled nc yesterday.. yesterday night neocron again got 2 freezes but ok i guess thats nc..

tried to setup my chars a bit.. killer is okisch.. was working to get the ppu so far i could pvp a lil.. found out half her ppu implants are now apu implants.. and some other stuff ticked me off.. esp when i got another fatal error.

but the thing that really gets me. i tried to play again just now.. seeing if i could get my chars from TG back to FA.. but i can't even login.. it crashes as soon as the synch screen comes.. tried 10 times.. got a FRE 10 times.

Neocron is again deinstalled.. imho KK screwed nc up to bad.. i still can't understand why they had to change so much.. its suposed to be a role playing game.. how do you roleplay that your house is suddenly in outzone instead of doy.. how do you roleplay that implants and weapons that you used for 3 years. and saved up millions of money for are suddenly changed and made completly useless.

and last but not least.. i still can't figure out why after so much years nc still has to crash so bloody much.. none other game ever did that to me.
KK says its my system. Might be true. but then still NC isn't coded correctly. seeing as tons and tons of other games work without a problem.

i'll just play GRID / CCS / Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 / NFS: MW now.. and might pickup on wow for a month before it gets boring..

maybe i see you in de beta's of stargate worlds or bp if i get in.. but Neocron is a closed book now.

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Postby flib » Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:05 am

For the record, they did a pretty good job roleplaying the move from DoY to NC. You really shouldn't complain about that, everyone wanted KK to move the factions back to the way they were in NC1, and they did.
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Postby Logan Ford » Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:57 am

hey killer, sad to hear about your experience :(

Nc used to crash, 50/50 bug, and fatal on me loads when i was running XP on my old PC, since i got a new PC and been using Vista i can't remember the last time i had a fatal ! The system definately has something to do with it.

As for the implants the game was in dire need of rebalancing, APU/PPU rape team had to end, they went a little too far in rebalancing if you ask me and we are now left with worthless APu's and melee class is a joke in PvP. but they did have a cracking good go at it, yes that meant implant and armour changes some fairly severe.

It was like the transfer from NC1 to NC2 some just left too much change, others dealt with losing everything they had worked for and getting a few measly NC credits and your quickbelt items.

The balancing was exactly the same, paid over 5m for a MOVE on chip for my tank which is now worthless, the Crahn Epic Glove now worthless, MC5's split (But they did do exchanges for a short while) and so on... it was almost like learning a new game......

Those who couldn't be arsed again left, those whoi stayed saw new challenges and doors opened to all new setups, not seen a pistol tank since NC1 FFS the variety is much better and worth the short term headache of trading and farming items.

If you ask around there is always runners willing to help out returning vets, even i would have swopped some imps for you and sorted some PPU spells but alas i cannot fix fatals 8)

Good Luck.

P.S. BP is gonna be owned by NC vets, lol, just to annoy KK! :twisted: MUWHAHAHAHHAH
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:05 pm

Fatals were the biggest problems ;) i still know many people in the game. But when i can't play i can't play.

Maybe it is my comp. but when everything else runs and i have all last drivers what can i do ?

its not like a GF7800GT can't run nc..
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Postby Delphi » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:20 pm

[TgR]KILLER wrote:Fatals were the biggest problems ;) i still know many people in the game. But when i can't play i can't play.

Maybe it is my comp. but when everything else runs and i have all last drivers what can i do ?

its not like a GF7800GT can't run nc..

Vista or XP?
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:37 pm

XP aint got vista on my gaming rig.
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Postby Abeyance » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:37 pm

killer I'm sad I missed you in game :( your pe used to be an awesome cster in nc1 :)

I'll see you in Stargate Worlds or BP, I've signed up for closed beta for both so lets see which one gives me the green light :)

Incidentally, Neocron can't be fixed without a total recode from scratch, all of the problems are underlying and can't be fixed by patches... unfortunately the game has already passed its useful shelf life so it is never going to happen. Just another of those fine moments in history that 'could have' but 'didnt'. :(
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Postby Futile Resistance » Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:00 pm

The crashing's definitely system based. I've been getting FREs every now and then on my laptop, but the new desktop's been crash free so far.

Regarding changes, I'm glad KK did something about monkocron. Keep in mind that the majority of the changes were VOTED in by the community. Majority of the players playing wanted the changes.

Yes, it has been a headache trying to figure out what works, especially when you're getting ganked left and right trying to get your old spells back (same issue here, most my PPU imps became APU).

Try running in DX7 mode? Apparently NC doesn't like my 8800GT on DX9 windowed but runs fine DX7 windowed. It doesn't like DX7 full screen but likes DX9 full screen.
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:31 pm

was running dx9 full screen never played windowed.

but i deinstalled it. it had its days. and "its system based" thats just crap. just say they coded the game crappy and thats why it just crashes all the time.

i can install any other game and play it without crashes. old games like fallout or unreal tournament.. games like ccs.. grid.. half the NFS series.. quake 4.. whatever. you name it and it runs.
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Postby Futile Resistance » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:02 am

[TgR]KILLER wrote:"its system based" thats just crap. j

Never said the game was NOT coded like crap. Most everyone agrees the engine wasn't made for MMO.

Good luck in future games. Gonna hope I make it for the SgW as well.
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Postby flib » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:29 am

Pretty much no one is going to argue that the engine isn't crap. Trust me, I understand exactly how you feel.
For whatever reason, Neocron just would not run properly on my pc. It crashed quite a lot, and it stuttered and got terrible framerate a lot, even though the graphics card was quite powerful.
I left Neocron for a while because of that.

The only solutions I can think of are either suck it up and live with it, or get a new system.
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:33 pm

Not getting a new system just for neocron lol. i aint got that kind of cash. and as said everything else runs so why would i :P

and nc din't even start no more the last time.. so there is little to suck up ;)

Never had framerate problems tho. even on my old comp with a 6800 GT and a 2200 AMD proc i could run fraps and run it for an 30 min without getting lag or anything..

a well.

maybe i'll get in BP beta or SwG.. i heard that fallout 3 also ships 31 oktober.. looking forward to that to.
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Postby Tyler Durdon » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:10 am

hi killer :D

have you tried to repair your files or to re-install your nc folder?

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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:17 pm

It was a fresh install Tyler. cus i deleted nc after i quit when 2.2 launched.

so fresh install doesn't really do anything ;)
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Postby flib » Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:42 pm

Did you try reinstalling Windows?
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