some more little extensions to the current name filter rules:
1. You can use upper case letters within a word but that will cost you a word.
Ronald McDonald
2. the second word can be lowercase if it does not have more than 3 letters
Klaus the Unbreakable
4. you can put the second word in quotes. that will allow you to use free upper/lowercase letters in that word
Bastian "DaFire" Hoyer
5. a word can be only 10 letters long. the second word in quotes can be 8 letters long.
so for husk i'm guesing he's gonna use.. Harold "HusK" Marshall ( that was right husk ? was out of my head )
soooo now my middle name.. aka nick will be "Killer" yes no full caps cause that looks silly with a normal name to fit around.. but i never realy gave it real good thought.. so lemme hear your things.. and for gods sake real ones serious about this
..... "Killer" ..... so think think think