
(WIP) Drikie's fall from Crahn

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(WIP) Drikie's fall from Crahn

Postby Drikie » Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:52 am

[OOC]Most of you won't know me at the moment, although hopefully you will within the next few weeks. :) Anyway, this is the story of my main character around the transition from NC1 to NC2.[/OOC]

Chapter 1

Drikie was sitting in her shit hole apartment in the Outzone, chilling out and listening to some old 20th century Heavy Metal when her comm link buzzed briefly into life and an authoritative voice barked out; “Brothers and Sisters, every faction member is to meet in the Crahn Cathedral. This is urgent.” She rolled her eyes and took off the headphones. A loud banging could now be heard at the door of her apartment, and a slightly high pitched voice was shouting “Come out you bitch, we've got you cornered in there.” The Genrep had been cut off from the network earlier today when these buffoons from City Admin had tried to storm her apartment, so to all extents and purposes this overzealous prick was right... probably just some bloody rookie after a quick promotion anyway.

Casting a quick Shelter and Deflector she rooted around in a cupboard before pulling out a hand grenade, pulling the pin Drikie took aim and threw it so that it landed just by the apartment door. Her Liberator whipped out and a hail of bullets smashed the door controls to pieces, the door shuddered open, ancient motors showing their age. Standing there was a young looking and very pale male Private Eye with a City Admin badge prominent on his dark overcoat and a military style haircut. He had a burly Gentank on either side of him, neither wearing power armour, with plasma cannons raised. “Haha, we've got you now you fucking traitor bitch. Boys...” he said turning to the Gentanks “Take her aliv...” however, his victory monologue was cut unfortunately short by the grenade at his feet exploding.

The occasional mutated dog barked wetly at Drikie as she passed on the way to the Cathedral in sector 9. The journey was relatively uneventful, most of the Outzone's inhabitants had learnt to keep a distance of her. A few pitiful mutants attempted to stop her, but posed little resistance and she ended their pathetic half lives quickly. Of course, the Brotherhood of Crahn hadn't caused the mutants. People who thought that were just jealous of the power that the Brotherhood had, thats all. The Cathedral doors were wide open and Drikie could see her brethren packing out the massive building, squeezing between two tall Monks she stopped and waited for whatever was about to happen.

An ancient balding monk in a red and gold ceremonial robe walked out onto a hastily erected platform at the front of the crowd and raised his arms for silence. “We have a situation on our hands my brethren. You all know, of course, about the recent attack on the Canyon by the Dome of York.” there was substantial angry muttering “The Dome has attacked our allies, and did not even raise themselves to honorable warfare. They obliterated the Canyon from afar in an explosion of unholy fire.” the speaker looked sad but anger was burning in his eyes “We have been called to a council of factions, to fight against these traitors. Unfortunately, this council includes some of our enemies, most notably the Fallen Angels...” There was a sharp uprise in muttering and a few people shouted out, the monk whispered a word, and his voice boomed out with an unnatural volume “SILENCE! This is the only option we have, and this is the word of the Crahn Council of Elders. You WILL all obey, or be executed as a traitor. Now, we will be sending almost all of the faction up into the wastelands to meet with the rest of this new alliance. However we don't want City Admin to know whats going on, so unclanned brethren will stay in the city and cause as much mayhem as possible in order to distract the Administration. FOR CRAHN!” the speaker stepped down and left quickly through the back of the Cathedral.

A few hours later Drikie and a petite monk by the name of Shar were heading through Pepper Park. As per their orders the city was quickly descending into chaos. It seemed that Black Dragon had been given similar orders, and they had quickly joined forces to cut a swathe of destruction through the city. Suddenly a group of city runners, two City Admin, one Diamond and one Tangent jumped out from a dark alleyway and leveled assault rifles at the pair. Drikie could see from the way that they were holding their weapons that they were no veterans. Diving to the side, bullets cracking the pavement and pillar where she had just stood she emptied a half a round into the closest, a City Admin, and he fell to the ground in a bloody heap. Shar shouted out a few arcane words and the second Admin burst into flames, dropped his gun and started to run around in circles screaming in agony. Drikie smirked as she executed the Tangent with the remaining half of her clip. The Diamond runner dropped his gun and started to run away in terror, Drikie let him get about twenty meters away before she pulled out a Wasteland Eagle and shot out his legs, his kneecaps exploded as the high velocity bullets smashed through the bone. As they walked past the man writing on the ground Drikie casually put her stiletto heel through his eye, he screamed thickly once, clutching at her boot before falling silent and limp.

Just then there was a crackled shout and massive explosion over her comm link to the rest of Crahn and there was a flash of white light in the sky. A few seconds later she heard the same explosion, but more muffled and a shock wave rumbled through the city. “Fuck!” shouted Shar looking alarmed “That sounded just like the Neutron bomb attack on the Canyon.” Drikie nodded and opened up her comm link “What's happening at your end? Over.” There was a few seconds of silence before a faint reply came through “This is Acolyte Garrad. It seems that at least one Neutron bomb has been exploded inside the Dome. At this time we are unsure if it was an accident or sabotage. All runners currently in the city are to get to the northern tunnels as fast as possible. That is an order. Over.”

[OOC] I hope you enjoyed the first part, I'm about half way through the second part of the story now which I'll hopefully be posting this weekend.[/OOC]
THN nib
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Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:22 pm

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