Not just Paypal, I can't seem to be able to create a trial account on Click2Buy Either, I just get a blank white page when I've entered all my details
So far, in trying to actually play Neocron I've had to:
1. Try to patch my retail NC2 version, which failed.
2. Download the patches from the ftp server, save them in the patches directory and attempt to patch again, which failed.
3. Download the 2.2 client from the website and attempt to patch, using the downloaded patches to save time, which failed.
4. Download the 2.2 client and left it running all night slowly downloading the patches from the actual game server which finally actually worked.
5. Try to reactivate my own account, which failed.
6. Try to get a 10 day trial account on paypal- the subscription went through but my account never got activated.
7. Cancel paypal and try to get a trial account on Click2Buy- which also failed.
(The above accompanied with a range of uninstalls, reinstalls, permission changes, etc.)
I've played neocron before and I'm competent enough with computers to try all those different things before giving up! Most people would of gave up on the 1st or 2nd step, no wonder there's less and less people playing!