
United Fallen Angels

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Are you interested in uniting Fallen Angels firepower under one banner.

Yes Iam interested, where do I sign up.
Yes Iam interested, but i want to see the amount of support it gets first.
Yes Iam interested, but im loyal to my clan leaders and want to see what they choose.
No Im not Interested.
No votes
No Im not interested, I like to hunt alone and are generaly not intersted in PvP.
No Im not Interested, Im loyal to the clan tag and thats a part of what makes this game fun for me.
No Im not Interested, I feel that our current level of cooperation is the best this faction will achieve any way.
I sleep with dead animals.
Total votes : 19

Postby Cred » Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:09 pm

personally I freez up in battle. Im no good unless im beeing sneaky, thats why I hack and stelth and snipe. But the anxiety in battles is too much for me, also my charicter isnt tweaked for pvp either. maybe when i cap and when i can use the silent hunter, i may become better. But I still dont have the drive to take Out Posts, cause thats a full time job, its like fighting a forest fire, or washing the dishes, it aint goina go away. And I, im just not up to that commitment right now. I can hack and I can ninja hack , but i dont feel I would be comfortable in a pvp clan
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Postby Brammers » Tue Nov 04, 2003 6:23 pm

I don't PvP that much, just DvP (Drone Vs Person, or 3 revenges vs dead person :x )

I agree the problems with the small clans (Mirrorshades) is hard for them to hold an op with few members and the problems with GR'ing to an OP. Maybe a big clan is a good idea, so long as can still work together, which we are right now, and this makes TH life more enjoyable!

At the end of the day I will stay with Phoenix and support the Fallen Angels by making the best weapons I can, and backing up Op fights with drone support.
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Postby Thonkus » Tue Nov 04, 2003 7:27 pm

Shame they don't write a chunk of code that allows for all faction members to GR into the underground ready to fight when an OP is under attack. Would make things much easier. Or better yet, The OP holder can designate who can GR into the underground by clan name. That would kick major ass and resolve many problems of a small clan holding an OP.

Truth be told, a small clan has no business holding an OP in the first place, as they can't defend it alone. I for one will always defend ANY FA held OP if I'm around.

I have not placed a vote as it's really not my place as it doesn't really concern me being with Phoenix, but I wanted everyone to know I support any decision you come to and will assist anyway I can.
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Postby Morpheous » Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:01 pm

Brammers wrote:I don't PvP that much, just DvP (Drone Vs Person, or 3 revenges vs dead person :x )

DvP also equals Dead body Vs Pain *grins*

Well, the "I sleep with dead animals" option is in the lead here atm...

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Postby HusK » Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:28 pm

Could non combat related clan members please not give their vote unless they are changing there plans on going combat primary, and keep your reply's as neutral as you can to not influence the people outside your company to much with it.
Now this thread remembers me of my own thread in the secure forums about small clans, on which I got 'bitched back into my doghouse' so to speak, J/K ;)

Anyway I noticed that the only people replying on posts are usualy phoenix members, and the more higher rated members of combat clans (you can count em on your fingers)
Thus these posts rarely get the chance they desirve.

Now on the subject at hand.
First of all let me say that I love to help my clan alot, which has put me in my current position as (co) leader of TgR about 1.5 yrs ago.
I'm not a "king" like a clanleader is (one person ruling, supported by followers and listening to wise councils), I am a councelor which is empowerd ( trusted ) with the power to take action here and there.
Altho I love to see myself as a clanleader, by heart I am not one.
I am someone who follows his king till the end of the world unless the king realy does something so bad it kills me inside.
Thats makes it hard to make a decision to leave TgR.

However, if the animo is big enough I go with the flow, but I won't leave my king or country withoud a fight :p

OOC: Now this gots my full support, however I think there should be a few changes.
First of all, I know more people are completely dedicated towards their clan leader and don't want to leave the clan unless the clanleader does.

The new clan should contain one person who is trusted not to make any decision at all, he will be chosen moderator and leading the clan at level 15(could be something like a 2nd account which everyone can access...)
The other leaders share a level 14. ( I'm think of Jest and Killer at level 14, kir and myself at level 13, calabim and other higher ranked at 12 and so on till downstairs )
Meaning the two clan leaders will have to work together and meaning the 2 co leaders ( kir and myself ) council them and deceide smaller things that don't need any discussion withoud questions.

And to finish this off (please excuse the language I'm going to us :p ):
FOR FUCK SAKE PEOPLE, quit being so fucking attached to a fucking name. its a freaking name for godsake, jest and killer you are the only ones so pathetic (no offense) to keep wanting that freaking name above your head, Get on with it, Get a live, Get a grip on yourselve!
*calms down*
There is nothing in a name, its just a name, its used to make thouselves proud and to strike fear into the enemy. Its just that, nothing more, completely useless and it has become a source of problems atm imo, which means It needs to go, basta!
I should add that I have lead my own clans in the past till I got tired of it, I was proud of my name, I managed to replace that pride eventualy for pride in using TgR as my tag, and I will change my pride again when necesary.
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Postby Jest » Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:53 pm

Husk I know you think my attachtment to my clan name is ridiculous but I dont. I said it before. This EXACT THING happened in March of this year. How many of you were Fallen Angels back then? I'm gonna go out on a limb and maybe say no more than 3 people registered on this forum were. Every one was calling for the merger of the clans. My clan was becoming a bit inactive and I wanted to save that so I merged. That was one of the worst decisions of my life. In my attempt to save my clan, it ended up destroying it. We had about 30 members, and no sooner than a month later, only 4 people from that group remained in the game. And actually the failed merger pretty much killed FA itself for a while. In essence, I destroyed the clan, and it sure as hell is not gonna happen again. I've been through too many failed mergers. If my attachment to my clan tags are childish and stupid, then so be it. I can live with that. But that being said, I will talk to my clan members and see where they stand on this subject and I will come back later with where they stand.
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Postby HusK » Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:58 pm

Jest wrote:Husk I know you think my attachtment to my clan name is ridiculous but I dont.

Its an obsession all clanleaders have, in all games, in all countrys over the whole goddamn world, its something that you have, its something that killer has, it something that leaders of SxR, SS, NDA, TR, etc etc etc have.

Its pure evil! thats what it is! Thinking not clear you are, driven to the dark side you've been 8)
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Postby Marzola » Tue Nov 04, 2003 10:39 pm

I like the idea of having one big clan (the name UFA was my idea btw before anybody esle takes the credit ). After Dark took our OP's last night I kinda got fed up with it. We had a fighting force ready, but half of it (including the PPU) couldn't get to Hawkins in time because they couldn't GR to the UG. Right now MS has 15 members, and TgR has 13 (This is counting people's alt's). Not sure about the other clans, but MS and TgR are the main battle force. I'm a tank. I was bred to fight. I've also been in the FA faction for about 8 months. So far, the only sucessful clan's were the ones who had members, and were organised (Dark and the origional UFA from early retail being the main examples)

Also, this may sound dumb, but if we get a catchy name like UFA more people will come to the faction. Just the name of it makes it sound like a 'good guy' clan, which is what a lot of people like.

@Jest, I know you don't like the idea of mergers, but this faction is different from the other ones that i've seen. I think that TgR and MS can pull off the merger. We've allready been fighting together since the two clans were formed. It won't be a whole lot different than it has been. All that would change is the name. You will still have your clan key, so if things DO go bad, the clan can always be restarted. I was a FA clan leader myself, and I know how dedicated you become to making sure you do what's right for the clan. To me, the merger is what we need IMO. And we can pull it off.

@Killer, yea, being able to do what you want is cool. But honestly, I doubt much will change. I've been in both TgR and MS and the clan policies arn't that much different. And you will still be a leader, you'll just have more people with that job with ya :wink: I wouldn't even mind it if Killer were made rank 15. We just need to be united, instead of scattered.
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Postby HusK » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:20 am

Marz is right!

As for power? What the hell does a clanleader do anyway besides showoff his rank? :p
Sure he makes the final decision in private discusions but its not like that happends on a dayly base hehe.

Killer I think you should stop being so TgR minded, and the same goes for Jest.
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Postby NOMADD » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:21 am

You guys talk to much……………… :evil:

How about a Confederation of Clans, the leaders of the clans will get together and hammer out agreements on taking and holding ops, defending Tech Haven, wars kos ect. Not much different than in faction. The idea behind a confederation is that every clan has common interest in some but not all areas. In those areas of common interest the clans can work out agreements in other areas they remain free to act as they wish. Every clan retains their sovereignty at the will of their leaders to act or not to act. For example TgR, Mirror Shade, and Phoenix agree to take and hold and Ops. Phoenix supplies the turrets and Vehicles while Mirror Shade and TgR agree to pull watches.

If you think about it we are already there. The benefit would be better coordination and cooperation with the clans in matters of interest.

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Postby HusK » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:23 am

nomadd: been there, done that. Nothing init that makes it work as its not the agreements that don't work but the fact neither of us can actualy have what we agreed on :p
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Postby Jest » Wed Nov 05, 2003 1:17 am

[TgR]HusK wrote:Killer I think you should stop being so TgR minded, and the same goes for Jest.
I'm not being TgR minded...
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Postby HusK » Wed Nov 05, 2003 1:35 am

git :p

Anywayz, this aint gonna work as nobody realy agree's
Its been tried to much before, it needs the full FA to agree on it and even then its a huge challenge. More over because some people want more control than others etc etc.
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:25 am

Jest wrote:
[TgR]HusK wrote:Killer I think you should stop being so TgR minded, and the same goes for Jest.
I'm not being TgR minded...


But atm i have no intention at all to fight as FA with all neutral and allied clans shooting us.. because then all we gotta do is sit down take the hits and wait for peace talks :roll:
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