
How to do deal with unwelcome visitors to TH.

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How to do deal with unwelcome visitors to TH.

Postby Archeus » Sun Nov 09, 2003 5:46 pm

A system that appears to work quite well in dealing with the people who find TH an easy source of killing.

1. At the first sign of trouble shout out on Faction that TH is under attack.

2. Any Angel who is LE'ed should head to tech haven and report the location of the PK'ers back on the Faction chat. Also warn others on OOC to stay away.

3. All Angels should either head for apartments or stay out of tech haven until they have gone or use the LE intel to conduct business away from them.

4. All Apartment blocks have an emergency code 0. Typing 0 will zone you an empty apartment (actually must check to see if you can get out again). It wont save you if they come up after you but can give you a place to hide temporary. If you are running for the phoneix store (which they will follow you up) this should confuse them.

5. Those in the cores levelling should find a hack door to hide behind if they can.

6. Lastly any LE'ed PPUs should head for GR areas and launch a soul cluster (any rank will do). It wont kill them but it will piss them off enough from staying at GR camping.

7. LE intel people should act as meat shields for any poor sap that GR's in until they can make it to an Escape GR.

8. Low level non LE'ed people (who have nothing to loose) throw yourself at them again and again. It will level up your CON/STR for you and annoy them that you do not fight or run. If they are in the cores, keep going back in to get them to kill you. That should give them SL loss as well.

We do not give these idiots a fight and we make Tech Haven a pain in the backside to kill others. This is the only way to get the PK hunting patterns to change.
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Postby Zane » Sun Nov 09, 2003 5:54 pm

Thankyou Mr Archeus,

We all adhere to these steps in one way or another. It's a good concept, and I'm thankful Simon has posted it here.

Not only because it gives everyone else a chance to follow a protocol which we can make work. But because there are also people on the THN who can read this forum, (you know who you are) and will be detered by our list of tactics.
-Zane Shadowfall (Deceased) (68/69**)
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:27 pm

on ooc: ? u meen OOC chat ? aint ever ever got that active.. and erm.. i think that might even let more Pkers now.. ow god we'r missing a party over there lets go.. lol.
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Postby Archeus » Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:12 am

The warning on OOC is to tell others who are not angels not to turn up. No problem with other pk'ers showing up as it will be a lockdown and they will end up fighting each other.

The only other solution is to station one LE person at each entry GR who can warn people coming in or report if more PK'ers are coming in.
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Postby [TgR]KILLER » Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:41 am

well most clans who are raiding TH all work together on doing so.. SS / Dark were both there a number of times and they weren't exactly fighting eachother.. so i best think u can leave the OOC thing away.. ppl will know something is going on soon when they hit TH anyway ;)
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Postby Mumblyfish » Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:46 am

I'm sorry, but I just can't live with being told to be a prisoner in my own home.
Currently working on a short novella about mansex, and the lives and wives of the people who indulge in the forbidden act.

If you're a publisher who wouldn't mind getting their reputation forever tainted, give me a bell!
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Postby Archeus » Mon Nov 10, 2003 11:01 am

You are not a prisoner. They could care less. What they want is a fight.

If you have the PK clans sitting around in Tech Haven and being reported where they are so they can do the least amount of damage, they will piss off to somewhere they can get a fight.

Meeting them with force just draws them back again in larger numbers. If TH is empty in the areas they are then they will get bored and leave, or they will get lazy. Either way they won't get thier fun.
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Postby Zane » Mon Nov 10, 2003 4:29 pm

The point is.. a fight is what they want. If we kill them over and over, they'll still come back because they get a good fight.

For example.. a few PPU's showed up the other day. (can't remember who or what clan/faction).. but they just ran around flaunting their 'uber PPUness'. For some bizarre reason, everyone continued to shoot them.

They're going to come back again and again just to show you how much of a PPU they are. What's more.. if they think they're losing, they'll call in an APU or something, that'll get the fight started.

Don't give them what they want. Phoenix Ltd have offered all FA tradeskillers a place to work in safety. If you wish to sell your services, in a nice comfy chair, with a gogo nearby.. drop in. If trouble shows up, as it tends to from time to time, there's always a GR out if you think the aggressors are going to get through the security door.
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Postby Azra'il » Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:53 am

the real problem is imo still the same - we cannot get enough firepower to wipe our enemies down from TH once and for good. That is why (and that is and should be the only reason for that) we are trying to avoid fight.
But still, i say, if we have enough man for fight, we should engage the enemy - if we have a chance to win than yes we should. And for god's sake not just only to give him a 'good fight', but to defeat him, take his items (with no chance of giving them back) , rezz kill and so on.
Is it unfair? Yes, but it seems the only way to protect TH against pkillers (they have gotten plenty of our precious items, so why can't we do the same? with no chance of returning/buying item and so on). Besides, most of our attackers deals with us with most unfair way possible, so we are justified (well, not exactly, but a way...) to do the same.
And if someone (Zane?) could post official announcement on rpg forum concerning our TH politics to make everyone aware of all potential risk involved in raiding TH (i don't know what are the phoenix restrictions to TH raiding clans but i hope they are any).
Yet you will probably say that everyone will laugh of our statement, because they know we don't have enough men to made it possible. But for me that is what we are lacking right now - some outside influence. No mattere what are we doing right now, most of people in neocron still thinks that TH is two clans with 2-3 people usually online. Maybe except Dark, Exo and few other clans.
Yesterday i had a talk with DARK leader concerning pkilling in MB, he agreed that they won't kill low lvl runners and unclanned ones even if they are faction enemies. But when i asked a question about TH raids his answer was: In TH everyone dies and that will not change...
And i say that have to change, and we must try to do something to change that. Project wind although very effective has one major flaw, it reduces faction strength in other people's opinion. Of course, like i said, it is the only way for now and it is neccesary. But if we have enough firepower, we should attack and 'gank' them. I see this as some kind of guerrilla warfare - our enemies may walks around deserted TH but they should never be sure if they are not to be ganked by ten times stronger squad within any minute.
ah, i am rambling too much, i guess.
My point was that there are many ways to make our faction stronger in the eyes of others and we should try them. They may be not so honourable as they should be, they may require some harsh decisions to be made probably, but... i think we need it

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Postby Zane » Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:17 pm

A valid point Az, and something I had already earmarked for the next Faction Meeting (looking like it will be this friday).

We need to make public our stance on invaders and how other factions will be treated in TH. However, I will not form an official post from FA until we have all agreed on the terms of this 'statement'.

After the meeting (which is looking more like friday each time I mention it), I will post several polls on the Faction Notices forum here on the THN. From the poll results we should be able to come up with a suitable statement about our political stance and our position towards raiders and PKers.

Oh.. and how many PPU's do we have now? Just one PPU/APU team would be enough to give us some edge.
-Zane Shadowfall (Deceased) (68/69**)
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Postby Jest » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:05 pm

I'm gonna have to disagree with the hide when pkers are in TH. In one sense you are right, it will definitely work. They would get bored and leave. But not before the caught a few people unaware. And personally if a clan member tells me he died and what to do about it, I cant in my right mind tell him to just go hide and that I cant do anything to help. Pkers will never leave TH alone no matter what we do. Even if there is a 1% chance they will find some one in TH. Trust me on this one. This is coming from a guy that checks TT HQ almost every day for people to kill.

We must fight. It may not be the best solution but it must be done, not for honor or integrity, but for the sake of the FA runners that died.

Oh the rest of the points are good but 8 is questionable. I've seen a group of pkers kill someone who was doing that well over 100 times. I swear it was like an hour long. haha.
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Postby hendrix » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:19 pm

just pojmt ure gjun at them anmd shott int !
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Postby Archeus » Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:15 am

Jest wrote:Oh the rest of the points are good but 8 is questionable. I've seen a group of pkers kill someone who was doing that well over 100 times. I swear it was like an hour long. haha.

Yea muppets did that to me. What eventually realised after about 30 minutes was (1) I had no loot. (2) I was getting XP gains and (3) They were wasting ammo which was taking away from thier PK'ing others.

It is a great way to level up STR/CON and some DEX.

Ok the point isn't that we dont have to fight, We have to change thier fighting habits so Tech Haven is not worth the time it takes to get there. We take the fight somewhere else?
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Postby [TgR]ghard » Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:56 pm

Jest wrote:I'm gonna have to disagree with the hide when pkers are in TH.

We must fight.

Oh the rest of the points are good but 8 is questionable. I've seen a group of pkers kill someone who was doing that well over 100 times. I swear it was like an hour long. haha.

edited for length but i agree we must fight if we can however i would say dont fight if the odds are that there is no chance of victory your just throwing your life and equiptment away.

on the n00b thing about dieing lots well its like this if u die u no longer have any items to drop so i usualy gr straight back in and make for my belt (and any of my mates or fellow angels belts i can save)

if i die its only another 40% imparment so i do it again and again till i get my belt or my belt is hacked.

if i get my belt or it is hacked i die again and gr to my appy and wait off si i then equip only a gun in slot one usualy a fast shooting one cause it aint gona kill them but it sure as hell will anoy them i proceed to run in screeming shooting randomly at red ppl till im dead if they chose to ignore me i keep it up till they kill me remember though if ure gona do this dont expect to survive long and expect to have to buy your back pack back

just so u know what the benefits are of this it anoys them that u keep coming and no high level ppl do (you can sing to them and sex them as well is usualy a good way of anoying without resorting to spaming or swearing), also last night i got 3 constitution levels from sweat leaf and 1 str level from die player all in 40 or 50 mins ok so i coulda got 3 or 4 dex levels by then but i think it was worth it

any way stay safe stay free
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